Jose Colaco wrote:

JC My dear Mr. Cecil Pinto, As a moderately keen student of the English language I would like thank you for responding to a question I put on GoaNet and TGF to Professor George Pinto of California.

Most welcome.


I wonder if the other Goan netters will agree with you that JC has been
"quite skeptical about even admitting to the POSSIBILITY of molestation at

I think you know the answer. But who am I to reply on behalf of 'other Goan netters'.


About the Art College student rape-charge, well let us - as you youself
suggested - finish One Case at a time.
Remember? your own gold standard "first things first"

I see no reason to educate a sceptic over e-mail. Specially since you have already made opinions based on insufficient information. I have met and spoken with Art College students, lecturers, police, lawyers, and even some of the accused and am totally convinced that no assault of any sort occurred at Art College on that day. Let justice run its course. If you want details please meet me in person. A public forum such as this is not the place to discuss a case which is sub-judice. Private correspondence with you obviously is out of the question because you do not respect the 'privacy' of private e-mail - as you have proven time and again.


Next on line - would have been the MiraMar sex scandal. One which you, Mr.
Cecil Pinto, wondered if it scandalised anybody at all. However, you very
kindly consented to discuss it - as long as Dr. Kelekar stated the facts of
the case from what he knew, and we could tackle it from there. But

So did this Doctor Kelekar state the facts of what happened or didn't he?
And is he some sort of sex doctor that you unnecessarily mention his doctorate (Dr.) as also my 'misterate' (Mr.) *chuckle*.


Thank You dear Sir.
I do realise your wish to get back on that another time and watch Samir
Kelekar eat humble crow.

I do not wish to watch anyone eat humble crow. I wish to cure selective blindness.
Is this Samir Kelekar the same Dr. Kelekar. What happened to his doctorate now?


Even so, Let us discuss the Arts College case
before the MiraMar case.
Go ahead Mr. Cecil Pinto. Please state the facts of the Arts College case
from what you know, and we could tackle it from there
But....please Let's discuss it out in the open.

So have you now decided that you are qualified to play Judge (from a million miles away) over e-mail and pass judgement on a case that is currently still being heard in court? Are you more interested in scoring petty points in debate, or are you seriously interested in justice being done?

Two final points:
1. That question to Professor George Pinto was placed on GoaNet and TGF. I
hope that the good professor finds the time to expand on his statement about
The Bahamas. More than me (here) are interested in his response.

I am sure George will respond.
Why do you address him as Professor? Did he ask you to? Did he sign off as Professor Pinto?


2. Mr. Cecil Pinto, I hope you are referring to me and people like me - when
you comment "Blinded by our Catholic upbringing are we?"

Indeed I was. There are many Catholics I know who do not allow their faith to make them blind to the facts.


Once again Sir, Thank You.
Having said that - even the Faithfully blinded can be even handed and fair.
Don't know much about the prejudiced.
good wishes

CP Whatever! Cheers!


Jose, you don't have to call me "Sir" in public. Leave the doctorates, professorships and knighthoods at the doorstep.

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