Berkeley, California

Please share this message with your children and grandchildren as they honor 
their Goan roots and
take pride in Goan achievements. Please also forward this message to your 
family and friends.

Jan 16th is the 294th death anniversary of Goa's greatest native saint, BLESSED 
made Patron of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman on Jan 16, 2000.  Little is 
known about our own
Indian-born saints with the emphasis typically on European saints.  

Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the Beatification “I came to Sri Lanka 
above all to honor
Blessed Joseph Vaz.  Like a star shining in the Asian sky, this great spiritual 
guide teaches us
many lessons about the goodness of the human person and the nobility of our 
destiny as human
beings.”  January 21, 1995

Life of Blessed Joseph Vaz 
Apostle of Kanara and Sri Lanka (1651-1711)

1651  Born in Benaulim, Goa, India, on April 21.

1676  Is ordained a priest.  Shortly after, volunteers to go to Sri Lanka where 
the Dutch were
persecuting Catholics and had banned all priests from entering the island. The 
Chapter of Goa
refuses his offer because the mission would have meant certain death for him.

1681  Is sent to rescue the almost extinct mission in Kanara, present-day 
Karnataka in India.
Rebuilds the Church in Mangalore and Kanara, establishes missions, tends to the 
sick, ransoms

1684  Returns to Goa and joins a band of native Indian priests who formed a 

1685  Founds the Indian branch of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri, on September 

1686  Leaves Goa secretly and sets out for Sri Lanka.

1687  Arrives in Jaffna in the Tamil region of Sri Lanka, with a servant, John 
Vaz, both disguised
as coolies. He works with a price on his head.1691 Is almost captured by the 
Dutch and is advised
to go to Kandy. Is brought into Kandy in chains and imprisoned as a Portuguese 
spy by the Buddhist
King, Vimaladharma Surya II.

1693  Works a miracle of rain during a severe drought. The King releases him 
and gives him
protection and freedom to preach in his kingdom. As in Goa and in Mangalore, is 
often seen in
ecstasy in prayer. The people call him “Sammana Swami” or Angelic Father.

1697 Is joined by three of his Indian Oratorians from Goa. During a small-pox 
epidemic in Kandy,
the King and the people flee the capital. Fr. Vaz and Fr. Carvalho, tend to the 
dying and
abandoned victims for almost two years.

1705  Dedicates the Shrine of Our Lady of Madhu. 

1711  Dies in Kandy on January 16, after 23 years of arduous missionary work in 
Sri Lanka. 

The Work of Blessed Joseph Vaz
His missionary work was not colonial, not helped, authorized, associated with 
conquest by a
colonial power. He gained the protection of a non-Christian King, Vimaladharma 
Surya II of Kandy,
a devout Buddhist.  He used inculturation as a missionary method. He founded a 
para-liturgy and literature using the two languages and cultures of Sri Lanka, 
Tamil and
Sinhalese; he practiced and taught Meditation.  He educated his servant John 
Vaz, a member of the
Indigenous tribe of Kunbis, and sent him back to Goa with a letter of 
recommendation to the
priesthood. At that time, the Portuguese Church Councils reserved the 
priesthood only for the two
higher castes in Goa.  He founded the miraculous Shrine of Our Lady of Madhu, 
one of the five
officially crowned Marian Shrines of the Church, crowned in 1924, before 

He is the first non-European native in modern times to found a Mission and 
Church in a “Third
World” country; to found a fully native Catholic Religious Congregation; and to 
be given the
official title of “Apostle” (of Kanara and Sri Lanka) by the Church, for his 
work in rescuing the
Church there. His Indian Oratorian Mission is the only fully native, 
non-European Catholic Mission
of our colonial era. The Church he re-founded in Sri Lanka was persecuted and 
survived isolation
from Rome for 140 years: “Here is a country in which the faith was first 
preached, and a Church
founded with great success to flourish for over a century, by missionaries who, 
being afterwards
forced by the political failure of their nation to abandon the field, left this 
island for good
and their converts... without churches or priests and under the heel of a 
persecutor; and a single
priest (Joseph Vaz) from another country, came here of his own accord......and 
laboring heroically
with a price upon his head, revived the faith…and made many conversions in the 
teeth of
persecution, imprisonment and hostility..(no) subsequent political, social, and 
changes in the country were ever able to undo his work;....it must be stated 
with caution and
subject to correction, but no other instance of such an achievement is known in 

Sri Lankan historian, Fr. S.G. Perera, S.J., from his book, The Life of the 
Venerable Father
Joseph Vaz 

Novena Prayer for the Canonization of Blessed Joseph Vaz 
O God of infinite goodness! Full of confidence in Your kindness and in the 
mercy which You showed
to Your faithful servant, Blessed Joseph Vaz we humbly implore You to inspire 
our Holy Church to
take into consideration the meritorious life and apostolic works of this 
Servant of God and to
grant him the full honors of the altar and public devotion, if this is for Your 
greater glory and
for our salvation, so that imitating his virtues and placing ourselves under 
his patronage, we
will reach Eternal Glory. Amen.

O God, through the intercession of Blessed Joseph Vaz, grant me the grace of 
Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.  Imprimatur. Goa, India, August 5, 
1931.+ Teotonio,
Patriarch of Goa and the Indies. *and his Companions added by the Joseph Naik 
Vaz Institute, 746
Peralta Avenue, Berkeley, CA, 94707.

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