From: airesrod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<The letters written by fellow netters Jose Colaco, George Pinto and others to the Archibishop of Goa may have helped.

In an important development in the Ribandar Church crisis Goa’s Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao has
directed Fr Luciano Fernandes from Bishop’s palace to visit Ribandar Church and hold a meeting of
parishioners to discuss the various long-standing allegations of financial and moral irregularities at
the Church>

Dear all,

I sincerely trust that the good Archbishop prayerfully considers the following:

1. That the accused priest is innocent until proved guilty.

2. That the incident (even as alleged - worse case scenario) does NOT fall under GRAVE sexual assault as per the Definition of sexual offences (Goa Children's Act, 2003).

3. That IF the incident occured (as alleged or even less) warrants that the concerned priest should receive mandatory counselling in addition to a suitable punishment meted out by law.

4. That the complaints by the Superior at the Ribandar Convent that the nuns " were threatened with rape" MUST be referred to Bailancho Ekvott for further investigation. A determined follow up MUST also be made with the police to identify what their own investigations revealed.

5. IF the allegations of rape threats appear credible, I strongly suggest to the Archbishop that legal proceedings be brought against the individual who allegedly threatened the nuns.

6. That the alleged RTC ( rape-threat-caller) is innocent until proved guilty.

One way or another, this stupidity must be brought to a head, and from there on - to a finis AND never allowed to occur again.

with prayers and good wishes from here

jose colaco
a Catholic by choice

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