consumer - charter of demands for cuncolim


This is for the benefit of my friends from Cuncolim using the net to get 
across the message of what is happening in Cuncolim.
Last Sunday for the first time I attended a meeting of the Cuncolim consumer 
and civic forum held at maria bambina Convent hs Cuncolim.

The meeting discussed several topics 
BANKS- The topics discussed where the functioning of the banks- the ratio of 
disbursement of loans and deposits by the  different banks in Cuncolim and the 
functioning and the service offered by the banks to the customers came in for 
close scrutiny.

Pharmacy – the functioning of the pharmacies in Cuncolim were also discussed 
and whether any night pharmacis are functioning in Cuncolim.

POSt OFFICE--  the conduct and functioning of the post man and other personnel 
at Cuncolim post office was also discussed.

The services offered at Balli health centre will come under a survey to be 
conducted by the consumer civic forum.

Other issues were Gas Services, Telephone services, electricity services.

On  cooking Gas- LPG, consumers expressed the need to have more safety 
workshops  through out Cuncolim.

On telephone services it was informed that consumers should look out  for 
defect in their connection from the pole to the residence.

On electricity it was suggested that the department frequently carried the 
exercise of cutting trees branches and other plants obstructing or likely to 
obstruct the disruption of electricity supply to the consumers. 

breakers coming up in Cuncolim.

Villagers however informed the meeting that there is also a need to improve on 
the existing speed breakers and no sign boards or marking are present near the 
existing speed breakers near maria bambina convent Cuncolim and near Our lady 
of health hs Cuncolim besides near corporation bank Murida.

Enclosed is by dream plan for Cuncolim and if any other ideas spring up I will 
send you the same.  I will also consult with my friends and adds the 
facilities for sports, leisure and children related activities in the second 
email which will posted to you in one or two weeks time.

Also the photo graphs of the existing speed breakers without any  sign boards 
and marking will be email in another two days time.


There is no system of  parking for buses passing through Cuncolim from 
Canacona, karwar and making a stop over at Cuncolim to collect passenger in 
the absence of a bus stand Buses stop by the road side to collect passengers 
on the national high way no. 17.
The net result is absolute traffic chaos on the national highway at Cuncolim 

There is a need to have a bus stand preferably near the new football ground at 
kalata Cuncolim. Need to have a tourist taxi stand and for motorcycle pilots 
at Cuncolim bazaar.

The current situation is motorcycle pilots operate from two places at Cuncolim 
one  opposite the keni Pharmacy and another group  near the four road junction 
at Cuncolim bazaar.

TAXI STAND – There is a need for a taxi stand as the situation stands private 
taxi drivers who are plying their trade from opposite Keni Pharmacy are 
passing their vehicles on both sides of the road leading to Dandora from 
Cuncolim bazaar leading to  reduction of the width of the road and causing 
traffic problems.

There is a need to have a taxi stand  at the disposal of the taxi owners to 
play their trade.


It is observed that on Sunday’s additional inflow of new hawkers selling 
different fruit items, vegetable  and other food commodities and other items 
make it to the market. The hawkers are lined up on the road leading from 
Cuncolim church and leading to the maddicotto chapel. So it is closure of the 
road for residents of maddicotto Osnimaddem, gutton , Molanguinim, zuzegal who 
after the Sunday mass where passing through the road  freely without any 
encumbrance for the last several decades .  The residents now have to move to 
the already crowded  national highway and connect back to the road at 
maddicotto chapel leading to traffic chaos.

 Is the closure of the road authorized by a gazette notification on a 
particular day. Has any one got details about the same?

People attending religious ceremonies on sunday cannot take their vehicles to 
the church compound. Instead  People have to park their vehicles on both sides 
of the road leading to Dandora from the Dandora side. People attending church 
from the other three side attending mass who are able to take the vehicles to 
the church compound then  have to literally slog out to come out of the 
traffic inferno created by the short sightness of the Cuncolim municipal 

On Sunday Foot path and roads are being blocked to accommodate additional 
hawkers. giving  the high court judgment a blind eye and effectively inviting 
provisions of the contempt of court proceedings.

SUGGESTION—the immediate remedy to the solution would be to shift the 
additional Sunday hawkers to the fields near the Cuncolim football ground 
making provision for parking of vehicles at the proposed site and also level 
the field for the comfort of the hawkers, thus decongesting the market and 
also easing out some of the problems of traffic on a mad rush Sunday. 

The CMC has to plan for another 50 years in mind and not with short term 
interest in mind.

Has CMC any hawking zone. If they have not done so far,  Have they identified 
any hawking zone. Why has not be done.

How many gaddas have been removed- where have they being rehabilitated.

 The old  fish market makes for a new look one. New fish market construction 
after demolition old one is waste of money and instead of decongestion it has 
led to congestion.
For the unknown it mat be stated here that the the new fish market at the site 
of the old market is a plus one building where in the the ground floor is 
reserved for fish, and meat sellers while the upper floor houses shops.
It is necessary to decongest the existing places, but instead the CMC has 
added up to the congestion.


The CMC should install sign boards at  village boundaries- at balli, Dandora, 
simplear Panzorconi. Also ward wise naming sign boards should be installed by 
the CMC for the benefit of visitors visting Cuncolim who will find it easy to 
locate a particular place.

DRAINAGE--- It has been noticed that seweage water has been released in the 
drainage constructed by PWD and CMC at different places..

Land acquisition, land to be used by CMC for development projects– the CMC 
plan to acquire the land adjacent to the maddicotto chapel is with ulterior 
motives, hurting the religious sentiments of the minority communities as a 
fish market or any other public utility project will lead  to a lot of garbage 
and filth. Why are they interested in only that place close to the chapel 
there several other  field near  the new football ground which can be  good 
places for market projects or for construction of government offices.

Further the area is a flood prone area,, which will mean that business 
communities will suffer.

It may be recalled here that only last year on account of less rain water from 
floods had not entered the business premises of Cuncolim bazaar. Other wise 
flood water entering the business premises had been a regular feature.

What is the action plan for drainage of water planned by the CMC? Fears are 
expressed that Water will enter maddicotto chapel if CMC plans to go ahead 
with project.

Recently CMC in another controversial decision had planned to construct a 
toilet close to the St Francis Xavier chapel at Cuncolim bazaar.  

The project was finally shelved after opposition from the locals of a toilet 
being constructed close to the chapel.

The consumer civic forum plans to have charter of demands for Cuncolim, I 
suggest to them to write to the MLA and  CMC to get an insight on what they 
plan for Cuncolim, the need is to have a copy of the   a)Development plans of 
MLA b)Development plans of CMC

Greater use of the net to target young people to get involved in the movement 
of consumer forum through out Cuncolim and also to involve more volunteers 


I Request  the consumer civic forum to involve any school,  higher secondary 
or college from Cuncolim  to do a case study of the Cuncolim industrial 
estate, with help from school teachers.

What happened to the incident when fish was found dead in the rivulet close to 
the industrial estate around a year back.  The issue has got a back seat why.  
The reasons is simple nobody was vigilant enough to follow the incident. 


How many power guzzlers (Steel in got making) units had been set up

How many have closed down
How much subsidy has been paid to the industries?
Power bills outstanding against their names of units close down.

Names and products, and raw materials used by the existing industries.

Disposal of garbage, disposal of other wastes by the industries
 Locals employed in industries
Living quarters for staff
Are all industry owners  from out side the state?


To find out the projects which are coming close to the new football ground at 
Cuncolim bazaar.

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