> From: "Children Walking Tall"
> Subject: Children Walking Tall - January Newsletter
> Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 06:48:56 +0530

With the arrival of Shermina on January 3rd and the
start of a New Year, we begin our first clear year of
activity in Goa. Our first five months from August
2004 were largely filled with fundraising activities
at home, setting up and extending the web site and
with Rob making contacts and searching for possible
premises here in Goa. 

Christmas was a very busy time but we had great fun
going to the slums and giving out the presents that
had been donated to us. We visited three slums on
Christmas Day and gave out carrier bags that contained
colouring books, pens, pencils, rubbers, pencil
sharpeners and sweets. There were also toy trucks,
teddy bears, fire engines and other toys that had been
donated. The children were delighted with their
presents, and every child who received a present on
Christmas day also received a selection of fruit.

We hope you enjoy this instalment of the newsletter
and if you have any queries or comments then please
contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The website is still growing and amazingly, we will be
reaching our space limit again soon. This time
unfortunately, we will have to remove some of the
older photos, but the good thing is they will be
replaced with new ones. There will be nine different
photo albums for you to look through, so please keep
visiting to keep up to date. Remember that the small
pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them! The
photos that have been added this month are :

Christmas Day Slum Visit
Many of the children living in the slums have never
before received a present so watching their small
faces on Christmas day was definitely a treat. There
were smiles all around and the children enjoyed eating
the fruit and sweets that were provided. 

Pipe People 
Robert took a trip to some slums, but on the way found
several families living by the side of the road in
Industrial pipes, they were migrant workers and their
families, they just move with the work and have to
make a home out of what ever they find. We took a
couple of trips with clothes that had been donated and
sweets and fruit. They have now moved on to their next
job, perhaps we'll meet up again by the side of
another road. 
Other Updates
Photos aren’t the only things that have been updated
on the website. Due to the great support of people
wishing to purchase items from our needs list we have
been able to add new items and remove some items that
we have already received funding for. Shortly, we will
also be adding a Project page to sponsor. This will
allow us to extend our work with the children. We are
aiming to implement projects in the slums that will
help provide families with the basic provisions they
need. For example food visits (rice, fruit, dahl,
flour), health visits, and non formal school visits.
We can also accept donations online now, which is a
great help as people can donate euros as well as
pounds. Where ever you see the Give Now image you will
be able to click on it and donate directly to Children
Walking Tall.


Fundraising is ongoing and progressing steadily.
Unfortunately we didn’t succeed in the Daily Mail
promotion, but that isn’t going to stop us trying our
best in every promotion we can find. 

*How to Help* with fundraising

Please spread the word about Children Walking Tall. A
simple way is to forward this newsletter to your
friends and family asking them if they could find the
time to read it and to visit our website. 
If you work at a company that might sponsor any of our
projects, please get in touch with us. 
Be a member of our UK fundraising team by distributing
leaflets or raising money. A good way is by finding
something that you enjoy doing and having a
fundraising event. 
If you know of any promotions that we could apply for
then please get in touch. 
Christmas bags of goodies
Huge thanks go out to Claudia from Germany who is a
constant supporter of Children Walking Tall. She
contacted us as she had put together 100 carrier bags
full of Christmas goodies (contents mentioned at the
top). We also went to Mapusa and bought some fruit to
add to the bags. Bananas, apples and oranges were
given out to every child. Claudia was also there on
Christmas day in the slums to help give them out. 

Clean Clothes at Last
Friends of Claudia (who joined us at Christmas in the
slums) were kind enough to donate the money towards a
new washing machine. Thanks to Hannelore, Anja and

Flips Flops
Thanks to Heather and Dave who visited our website and
kindly donated money towards buying flip flops for the
children that have none. Children often end up with
large open wounds on their feet due to walking around
barefoot, but these shoes will hopefully prevent this
for the lucky children who receive them.

Christmas Toys Galore
A big thanks to Lorna Wallis and Haley Williams who
donated a number of presents for the children at
Christmas. Pictures of the children receiving the
gifts can now be found in the photo’s section on the

Olga and Peter help in the kitchen
We cannot say a big enough THANK YOU to Olga and Peter
for buying us a lovely new fridge freezer. The shop
didn’t have it in stock while they were in Goa so we
had to wait 10 days before it was delivered. It is now
towering over our kitchen, ready to be moved into our
new home. This is not the only thing Olga and Peter
did during their holiday in Goa. They also bought a
worktop gas burner, electric mixer, emergency lights,
pressure cooker and finally gave a donation of around
£100. The money they brought was given by themselves
and friends and family. These items will be a huge
help when we finally get our new building as they will
ensure that we can get up and running straight away.
They also took a trip to one of the slums with Robert
to give out sweets and balloons then returned to give
rice and fish. They were great and I’m sure many of
the children and adults living in the slums are as
grateful to them as we are at CWT.

Clothes and Toys
A special mention goes out to Iris Ainsworth who
joined Robert and Claudia on Christmas day to give out
the presents to the children in the three slums we
visited. With the combined presents from Claudia and
Iris, we managed to give out over 150 presents. It was
a fabulous experience, but oh so tiring… Iris also
brought clothes and other toys from the UK which will
be used in our new home. Iris has also offered to help
us fund raise in England which requires a special
thank you. “Thanks” 

Echinaforce Drops
Thank you to Carl at Earth Foods in Southbourne for
donating bottles of Echinaforce Drops. These are
herbal drops used help boost the bodies’ immune
system. These were given to the doctor to use at the
most recent health visit at the slums and will
hopefully reduce the number of children needing
medicine next month.

Keeping in Touch
Marilyn, Mark, Alexandra & David Harvey, Jeanne Gray &
Nicky Slater have paid for a telephone and telephone
line for us. This will be a great help for the
charity, as not only does it mean that people can
contact us, it also means that we will be able to
reply to emails quicker and update the website more

Needs List Galore
A big thank you to Danny Gray who visited our needs
list and decided to purchase a fire extinguisher, a
floor standing dual gas burner and some kitchen
equipment for our new home. At this rate, as soon as
we are registered in India, we will have enough
kitchen equipment to move into a house which is
functional, and this will allow us to start caring for
children straight away. 

A Friendly Face
Once again we have to say an enormous thank you to
Maureen Charters and Margaret Loewenthal. Not only
does Maureen fundraise in the UK for us but they also
brought out two suitcases full of children’s clothes
and toys. 

Christmas Presents
A number of items were donated from friends of Iris
Ainsworth that need a special little mention.

Jenny – Thank you for the Sesame Seed bars which were
taken and handed out at the slums. 
Caroline – Thank you for the slippers to keep the
children’s feet cosy at night 
Valerie – Many thanks for all the clothes which will
let the older children look hip and trendy 
Julie and Terry – Thanks for the games and toys, some
of which were given out on Christmas Day and others
that will be kept for the children at our home to
Mary – Thank you for the costume jewellery that is
already being modelled by several of the children in
the slums. 
Zara – Thanks for all the support you gave your mother
on her recent trip to Goa and for donating the games
and felts. 
Josh – A special thank you goes out to you for
donating your shorts, t-shirts and favourite teddies
to make another child smile.

What's Been Happening?

A suitable house/flat
We are continuing to investigate several properties
and are now looking into flats in Mapusa, Panijm,
Margao and Vasco where we could make a start. The
ideal solution would be to buy a property, but we
still need more support before we can afford to do
this. Until we raise enough funds we will use a rented
flat as a base. Doing this, will allow us to quickly
help the children who need it, and give them a place
to eat, learn and rest.

Shermina’s Arrival
Shermina has finally arrived in Goa after finishing at
her school just before Christmas. She was hoping for a
quiet week when she first arrived, to have a rest
before she began work. However, surprisingly enough
this did not happen!!! As always, Children Walking
Tall rules what happens. So far she has visited a
health camp, had two trips to the slums giving out
fruit, sweets and toy visits and bumped into a number
of children who just want to say Hello and who
remembered her from last year.

Registration in India
Hopefully within the next month we will be a fully
registered charity in India, this will enable us to
look after children in house rather than visiting the
slums. We have had to put things on hold until this
process is complete due to the strict laws in Goa
regulating child protection. However, until then, we
will carry on our work in the slums and on the
streets, doing everything we can to improve the lives
of the children we meet.

UK Trustee
We are very pleased to say that one of our UK trustees
Pat Lyon has been out to visit us this month. She has
been a great help in the UK and also brought out a
number of items for the children. Thank you for all
your continued help and support with Children Walking

Sad to say Goodbye!
We are very sad to have to say goodbye to John Elias,
one of our long term fundraisers. John has resigned
from Children Walking Tall due to bad health. He was
our first donator and has continued to fundraise up
until recently. We wish him all the best for the
future. Thank you for all you have done!

What you can do to HELP!!! 
Perhaps you could make a difference in the lives of
the children. Make a donation to Children Walking
Tall. If you have a preference on what the money
should be spent then please tell us, and we will try
and make the money work the way you want it to. Other
ways to help are to donate clothes, books, pens and
toys. This can be especially helpful if you’re
planning a trip to Goa and can bring them with you.
The easiest thing that you can do is tell others about
what we do. The more people who know, the greater the
chance we have of supporting children like these.

Do you have any comments about the newsletter? Would
you prefer a shorter version? Would you like to see
pictures in the newsletter? (Email with be larger if
pictures are added) Please let us know what you would
like, as we are always wanting to improve what we do.

And Finally
If you would like to receive these monthly newsletters
by email please contact us at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Please put the subject
“Join Newsletter” so that we can add your address to
the mailing list. Send us the email address you wish
the newsletter to go to. If you have received this
email by mistake, or wish to cancel your monthly
newsletter then please let us know by email at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject
“Cancel Newsletter” Many Thanks from everyone at
Children Walking Tall.



*- Never use a hatchet to remove a fly from a friend's head

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