Dear Adv. Aires Rodrigues,

Please allow me to revisit your answers to the queries I submitted to you.

Q1: When will the Church do a follow up on the Rape Threat complaint?

Aires A1: Its not a rape Dr. Colaco. It was allegedly a molestation and as to what was told to Auda Viegas the fingers slipped in while playing with the pendant.

JC: With due respect dear Sir, Adv Rodrigues, let me repeat that question . When will the Church do a follow up on the Rape Threat complaint?


Q2: Did Aires Rodrigues make any telephone calls to the nuns between 8:30 and 9.30 p.m - on August 5, 2004 ?

Aires A2: I have many other better things to do.

JC: That dear Sir, is a great answer to a question that was not fielded. The question (and I will update that question) : Did Aires Rodrigues (or ANYBODY else with the knowledge of Aires Rodrigues) make any telephone calls to the nuns between 8:30 and 9.30 p.m - on August 5, 2004 ? If so....approximately How Many, and WHY ?

The answer to the first part of the question, I believe, Sir, is a simple Yes or No.


Advocate Aires Rodrigues adds:< Thank you Dr. Colaco for trying to show solidarity with the nuns all the way from Bahamas. They, the nuns will be elated. For this support they will not even get from their next door neighbors. For they all know the truth. The Gospel truth >

Dear Adv. Rodrigues, You are welcome. About the neighbours, I do not wish to speculate on their knowledge of the Gospel or any other truth. One thing is for sure that ANY law which expects to an accused person to prove that he is NOT guilty, is (the Law is) a donkey.

And any lawyer who sits comfortable with such a law, is a ... (let me not use "unparliamentary" words here)

I know that one day, someone will explain WHY any sensible person would wait 8 LONG months before bringing an alleged molestation to the attention of the authorities.

good wishes as always


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