Such a hue and cry for a bunch of crooks , who didn't hesitate to murder Jesuit 
 Priests in cold blood .

 Armstrong Vaz , you and whoever supports you should be ashamed of your selves .
 You seem to have no idea of what to be proud of  and what to be ashamed of.

  It is disgusting the way you people have made heros out of these
treacherous ,and murderous chiefs who murdered missionaries .

 What next ,maybe you will next glorify Dara Singh & co. for burning alive 
 Graham  Staines and his innocent sons .
 Do you belong to the Rabid Sangh Parivar ?

 The Cuncolim chiefs or whatever you call them got what they deserved , and 
 paid for their treachery , and certainly do not deserve any glorification nor 
 memorial .
 Why is it heroic to kill Christian Missionaries only ,while all other
religions Ranging  from Islam to Buddhism have been converting Indians

 Please call a spade a spade !!!


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