I find a post such as this more than a bit problematic.

        It presumes that the reason for the cancellation (or is
        it a postponement?) of the meeting was because
        the "irregularities" are "too revealing".

        This could be the case; but when viewed from a distance,
        it could also be due to a number of other reasons.

        The Net offers a lot of 'freedom' for individuals to
        make their point; but institutions which have a
        hierarchy might find it more difficult to address such
        an issue, and that too in public.

        For its part, the Church in Goa (or any other religion
        or influential institution for that matter) probably needs to
        acknowledge that a policy of silence isn't the best
        policy, specially on communication. It probably only
        allows the gossip mill to keep rolling, and for the
        worst to be imagined. -FN

On Sun, 23 Jan 2005, Aires Rodrigues wrote:

It was unfortunate that democracy, deliberations and discussion was not the order of the day today at Ribandar. As expected the meeting of Ribandar Parishioner's which was scheduled to be attended by Archbishop's representative Fr Luciano Fernandes was cancelled.

Fr. Newton Rodrigues announced this at today's Sunday masses without giving any reason as to why the meeting was suddenly cancelled. The parishioners were only told that a new date would be intimated.

The cancellation of the meeting came as no suprise. Infact many had
anticipated it. The facts of the irregularities at the Ribandar Parish are to revealing for the Church to digest. It is now clear that by canceling this much awaited meeting the Bishop's palace will only further escalate the Ribandar Church crisis.

Aires Rodrigues

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