From: Aires Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

<the meeting of Ribandar Parishioner's which was scheduled to be attended by Archbishop's
representative Fr Luciano Fernandes was cancelled.>

Ah well least 25% of the questions requested by Adv Aires Rodrigues got answered

The question which got answered :->

Q1 : Is it true that Fr. Luciano will attend ? ( posted by JC on January 19, 2005 11:53 AM )

Unfortunately - and this is the Archbishop's fault, not to mention the parish priest's, that the following three remained sans opportunidade for asking and answering.

Q2: When will the Church do a follow up on the Rape Threat complaint?

Q3: Did Aires Rodrigues (or anybody with his prior knowledge) make any telephone calls to the nuns between 8:30 and 9.30 p.m - on August 5, 2004 ?

Q4: WHY would any sensible person wait 8 LONG months before bringing an alleged molestation to the attention of the authorities.

See Archbishop ! are sweeping a lot of questions (75%) under the carpet

Aaah Cchhoo! (pardon moi dust allergy est)


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