Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "I'm not asking for any help from President Bush
because I know of his selfishness and unconcern to
those who've been pushed into this hellhole."
Roy Hallums, American being held hostage in Iraq.
25th Jan, 2005.
Mario replies:
Mervyn, I hope you never cross paths with  a jihadi on
the rampage, who will slice off your head just as
easily as Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg and probably Roy
Hallums, here saying anything they tell him to say
while pleading for his life.

By the way, I'm sorry for Mr. Hallums but he does not
belong to the US armed forces.  I understand he was in
Iraq on his own as a civilian contractor, so Mr. Bush
is not the one who pushed him into any hellhole.

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