--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>When someone finally stands up to you, you want to
>run to the teacher to complain:

Actually, the above is an understatement. Mr. Mario
Goveia is trying to be very modest and charitable to

Frankly, I am terrified of him. As Cornel rightly
suspected Mr. Goveia is a very powerful man with
commanding knowledge of geopolitics, environmental
science, psychiatry, chemistry, etc. - perhaps second
only to George W. Bush. He has single-handedly
vanquished all his opponents in all of his debates on
Goanet and elsewhere. He is truly a great defender of
the righteous ideology and policies of the current
government of the United States. He is fighting a just
war against us - liberals, leftists, terrorists,
Saddam supporters, pigs, anti-liberation and
anti-America gang members, etc.

I am really afraid of what he can do to me with the
formidable influence and backing he has for his
valiant efforts in this forum. I could easily become
collateral damage in his crusade to bring freedom and
democracy to Iraq. 

I could tell you a great deal more about him if he
could kindly grant me permission to reveal some of the
classified information he was kind enough to share
with me in private. I have made such a humble request
to him in private, as well. His exploits in support of
all the great causes he espouses are simply

> 1. Mr. Mario Goveia fails miserably to defend his
> false assertion 
> 2. Displaying an utter lack of sincerity and decency
> 3. disseminate misinformation in the service of his
> discredited ideology.
> 4. Mr. Goveia is deceptive 
> 5. Mr. Goveia is lying 

Regarding the above, I am really grateful to Mr.
Goveia for taking time off from his busy schedule to
repeatedly publicize how I feel about him on Goanet.
Actually, I would truly be indebted to him for life
(which is of course now at his and George W. Bush's
mercy), if he reposted my above statements at least 10
more times in this forum, and at least 5 times in all
the other Indian and American forums he frequents, in
the service of George W. Bush and his righteous
ideology, and of course, for the freedom and democracy
of the survivors of the illegal war in Iraq. 



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