From: "cornel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

.... I am sure others will have noted that we are discussing CASTE and not Class as per your post. There is a significant difference between the two.


Well said Cornel

There is this unwitting or perhaps convenient switch that some make between "Caste" and "Class".

Never mind what the "explanationists" say....there is a difference between Caste and Class.

For instance - a Kunbi can become a teacher or lawyer or whatever, and move up in the Class structure....but will NEVER move up the "Caste" structure.

Not in this life .... NOT after a zillion "rebirths" - whatever that means.

Don't know why Anybody would try to fuse (rather confuse) the two. Why not just accept the fact that the wretched Caste System is the original Apartheid, accept the errors of our Hindu forebears (as also those allegedly Catholic forbears of ours who practiced it), change our behaviour pattern by refusing to follow this Racist nonsense anymore, and move on?

One more point:

Please do not spout as "Gospel truth or Manusmriti" that all our forbears were necessarily Hindu.

Please understand - that when der Albuquerque came to Goa....senhor patrao Idalcao aka Adil Khan (Adil Shah) was ruling the place.

We could safely say that Senhor Cao wasn't in Goa for a weekend or two. Could we not?

We could also say (very safely) that over a 30 year span in Goa, the 'Caos" must have circumscribed a good number of fellas, and captured a good number of fellis in Goa.

The Fellis were exactly sent to Santa Monica convent ... were they?

And so .... we could safely say that ....genetic input of the 'caos" in mind .....there were quite a number of Muslims of semi Turkish descent in Goa (read Old Goa)....where that horrible Inquisition later based itself.

So.....let's accept somethings, stop this revision nonsense and move on.


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