The other day there was an unfortunate stampede at the shrine[ temple?] of Kalubai or Mandhara devi in Satara district of Maharashtra ,bordering Goa near Pernem. The NDTV news report stated that Kalubhai is not really a Hindu deity and that her worshippers are not hindus. [The are generally called "hindu" using the computer age default mechanism for those Indians who are non-Christian, non-Jew and non-Muslim. Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists are embraced by hindus, whenever convenient, whether they like it or not. The same holds true for the Bhandari Samaj, Bahujan Samaj etc when it comes to casting a ballot but not for entering the sanctum sanctorium of a temple.] The NDTV report was a little more interesting because of this rare disclosure.

From: "Gilbert Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Do I understand from this (below) that Goan Catholics were converts from
non-twice born Hindus? Then, prior to their conversion they were
'sudras, outcastes and untouchables'? In other words, the Hindus changed
their religion, their village of residence and their caste?

You do not have to be polite, sensitive or avoid being derogatory. It is
more important to be clear and scientific. Is the account below accurate
(documented with facts and figures) or is it a Goan hand-me-down story?

In fact your account debunks a whole myth that Hindus were forcible
converted by militant Portuguese and their confrontational Catholic
counterparts. It would appear from your account, the Christian
conversion was the old fashion way - voluntary and a decision for
personal (material and / or spiritual) gain.

Antonio Menezes:
A Hindu who has led a pious life is rewarded with another birth:  a very
good but not yet a perfect life leads to rebirth as a brahmin;  and in
decending order one could be born as a kshatriya or as a vaisya. These
three castes  are collectively known as twice-born castes.
Whereas for some mysterious reasons  known only to the good old bhagwan
other persons  are born as sudras, outcastes and untouchables.
Since the word sudra has a derrogatory connotation, i thought it would
safer to use instead the words  ''non twice-born'' to describe this
overwhelming majority of social class  before their conversion to
christianity. antonio
The moot question is: Are the Bhandari[ the farming and the working classes that form the major vote bank in Goa] , who worship Sateri devi [and Lairaee, Tulzai, Kelbai, rastroli,Bodgueshwar, etc.],really HINDU ? Are Veer Shaivaite and Vaishnavites of the same religion like Catholics and Protestants?

Any answers from the cognizenti and intellengentia?

Viva Goa.

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