1. posting by Sachin Phadte
2. posting by Avelino D'Souza
3. response by jose colaco

Sachin Phadte  Mon Jan 31 08:48:08 2005 wrote:

I had started this thread in response to an editorial in Gomantak
 contention was, and still is, that a civilised society faces up to
the  facts of history and does not try to distort it.  The tone of the
 editorial indicated to me that the facts in the VCD were not
disputed.  However, the editorial also asked a question, namely "Are
scenes of Nazi  brutality shown to young Jews?"

I had said in my first message that these scenese of Nazi brutality
are shown not only to the Jews but also to the Germans and the rest of
the  world.

Some on this list had disputed the facts as well.  It was in this 
context that I mentioned about the article by TB Cunha, which to my
mind  would indicate that the facts in the VCD were reported correctly
at  least in context of the use of religion by the Portuguese

In response one member accused me of being anti non-Hindus.  If this 
accusation is fair, then it would seem to me that it would be
applicable  to Mr Cunha as well.  If so, then I seem to  be in good

All I am asking is that the facts should not be swept under the
carpet. I have also said that I do not hold responsible the present
day  Christians for this.vandalism.  However, if some of the present
day  Christians want to deny the facts, then one has to wonder.  The
present day Germans are not held responsible for what Hitler did to
the Jews,  because they do not deny the Holocaust.

Sachin Phadte.


D'Souza, Avelino  Wed Feb 2 00:19:21 2005 responded:

Sachin Phadte looks at the VCD as an entertainment point of view.  He
admits, after looking at it superficially, the contents of the VCD are
in par with the writings by freedom fighter T B Cunha.

Sachin Phadte says that he does not hold present day Goan Catholics
responsible for vandalism.  I don't know what vandalism Sachin is
talking about.  The ancestors of present day Catholics were the one
who were oppressed.  They were the one who were forcibly converted and
tortured.  If it was not for Mhal Pai of Vernem, who collaborated with
Portuguese to oust Adil Shah, then we could probably have few
and Muslim majority in Goa.

Is it rational to hold the present day Catholics responsible or to
apologize to Catholic community for the blunder by Hindu Brahmins who
supported Portuguese in their sinister motive to bring an end to Adil
Shah's rule?

Will Sachin let us know why there are 34 flashes of cross in the
unbalanced VCD?  What is the subliminal message which this disgusting
VCD is trying to perpetrate?

------------- jc's response --------------

Well said Avelino D'Souza!

>From a purely professional point of view, I will REOPEN any wound
which is not healing properly, determine why it is not healing,  do
the necessary debridement, recommend some additional Vitamin C, and
close the wound once and for all.

I agree with Sachin's point of view. Facts should NOT be swept under
the carpet. ALL the facts need to identified and then thrown out.

Not selectively.....but entirely!

Let's agree then to the following facts:

1. The Holocaust murdered millions of Jews.

2. The unHoly Inquisition murdered Jews, Christians, Muslims and Hindus in Goa.

3. Sati murdered millions upon millions of Indian women.

4. The Caste System subjugated billions of Indians into slavery.

5. Muslims butchered Hindus, and Hindus butchered Muslims in India.

6. Buddhism was wiped out by Brahmans with the help of Rajputs and Muslims.

7. The Muslims were defeated by the Portuguese with the help of Hindus.

8. ALL religions have used "religion" to subjugate others and swipe property.

9. The Parshuram - Arrow story is bondollam perpetrated to justify
Saraswat land grab from Kunbis and Gavdis.

Now...Did I see ALL these facts on that BOGUS VCD or TB Cunha's essay?

Whle we are on the topic of Sweeping Facts Under the Carpet, here is
what we may never know:

1. Would we all be "circumscribed" if it were not for the Portuguese
defeating the Muslim butchers of India?

2. Would Goa have banned Sati and saved our mothers and sisters, if it
were not for the Portuguese?

3. Would the Portuguese have come to Goa if it were not for the Hindu
request for help?

4. what happened to Buddhist temples of old?

5. Would Zantye, Real and Co have made his money if the Portuguese had
NOT brought Caju from Brazil to Goa?

Here are topics which can be determined with modern science

1. Are the Rajputs really the invading Huns?

2. Are the Chitpavan Brahmans really Jews?

3. What is the genetic origin of the "Brahmins" from the Ilhas?

4. Who really are the Saraswats, and should they receive royalties
from Iranian oil finds?

Even so, present day Christians should apologize:

1. For the Inquisition their Catholic forebears perpetrated

2. For the Sati their Hindu forebears perpetrated

3. For the butchery their Muslim forebears perpetrated

4. For the selective NONSENSE their present leaders perpetrate

5. For the SILENT CONSENT, they themselves provide in the face of this NONSENSE.

6. For continuously VOTING for these same pleasant-crooks, in the face
of the non-ee-shtop tiats?

Those Catholics who have Kunbi, Buddhist or Jewish forebears, or
forebears from areas not touched by the Inquisition, or whose
forebears were NEVER involved with SATI or the INQUISITION, please
forgive us and bear with us - as we modern day Goans point finger at
others, not realising that four other fingers from that very hand are
actually pointing back at us.

good wishes


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