Gilbert Lawrence:
Hi Antonio,
I fully agree with what you have said all along. My reading of Goan and
Indian history suggest so. However it is one thing to write a post on
Goanet and analyze what has been published with 'common sense and gut

It is another to have at least one or two accounts documenting the
events. Perhaps if you or Teotonio or any other church historians have
facts or figures or descriptive accounts WRITTEN CLOSE TO THE TIME OF
THE EVENTS it would help convince our skeptical ganv-bhavs and

This is especially important in a climate where we see virulent articles
and VCD films giving a selected reading of history and caste
distinctions. This would also be a good time to review the specifics of
our history for our own knowledge and to educate our kids. Regards.
Antonio Menezes:
Let me begin by saying that I do believe that there were forcible
conversions in the 16th century and that only the original inhabitants
of Velha Conquistas were subjected to the fiery ordeal. The descendants
of those 16th century Goan Catholics are still there today but they are
in minority as compared to the descendants of Catholics whose ancestors
migrated to Velha Conquistas in the 17th century very much out of their
own free will.

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