Margaret has made her point clear. It's easy to
understand her because of the nature of her job or
jobs. She needs money to make a living, and
writing/editing and conducting writing workshops is
what she does.
I also understand Tony's case as someone eager to
publish his writings. He wants his writings to be
edited and he felt those like Margaret could help in
in his venture.
One clearly sees a clash of motives. I, however, wish
that Tony had not gone to the extreme and, as he
eventually did, publish on his own.
Though I try to understand that writers such as Tony
and also my friend Valentino Fernandes rush to
publish, I wish they would take more time to go
through their manuscripts. Tony's took one of his
former collegague at Gomantak Times help in getting
his book edited.
During my recent trip to Goa and my visit to Tony in
Canacona I remarked to him that his book seemed to be
a mish-mash of things and the title, Naked Goa, seems
inappropriate. Some issues are irrevalant to the Goan
Valentino's book, How to be an Instant Goan, is partly
written in a lighter vein. He has made many
generalizations, especially on the lifestyles of Goans
Admittedly, he talked to some overseas Goans who, I
feel, just blurt out their opinions without serious
thoughts. It's a book that one may want to read just
for some of off-the-cuff remarks and unfounded
I read also Ben Antao's book, Goa Rediscovered, and
Frank Simoes' book Goa, formerly named Glad Seasons in
Goa. Though I am still in the process of finishing
Simoes' book, I can say it's very different both in
style and substance to Antao's book. Simoes' book is
also huge compared to Antao's. Well, Simoes has been
published by Rupa (I think) while Antao has been
published by himself or perhaps jointly with Goan
Observer. I don't have the copies of the book in front
of me as I am writing from an internet cafe.
More of Antao's and Simoes book later. Also will touch
on Margaret and her opinion on Silviano's book.

Eugene Correia

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