Watchdog warns on food dye
Fri Feb 18, 2005 04:13 PM GMT
LONDON (Reuters) - The food safety watchdog has advised people not to
eat around 350 food products that have been inadvertently contaminated
with an illegal dye that could lead to an increased risk of cancer.

The dye, Sudan I, was in a batch of chilli powder used by tea and
pickle maker Premier Foods to make a Worcester sauce that was
subsequently used as an ingredient in a range of soups, sauces and

"Sudan I could contribute to an increased risk of cancer," Food
Standards Agency (FSA) Chief Executive Jon Bell said in a statement on
the watchdog's website on Friday.

"However, at the levels present the risk is likely to be very small,
but it is sensible to avoid eating any more. There is no risk of
immediate ill health," he added.

The FSA said it was working with the industry and local authorities to
ensure all the foods are removed from sale. It advised people not to
eat the products and to contact the store where they bought them for a

The agency said a list of the affected food products can be found on

Premier Foods said in a statement it received the ingredient from a
"reputable UK source", which was itself supplied by another UK

Premier Foods said it received written assurance that the chilli
powder did not contain Sudan I, a colorant not permitted for use in
food products.

"It must be stressed that the product withdrawal is a purely
precautionary measure, and the levels at which Sudan I occurs in the
products concerned presents no immediate risk to health," it added in
the statement.


Gabe Menezes.
Wimbledon, England

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