From: "Gilbert Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I agree with you about creating a controversy and the added publicity.

It's like me creating the controversy about 'church bashing' and dragging 
the thread out even longer.

But if no one stands-up, then the silence suggest consent, agreement, 
accord, endorsement. That is why I suggested that the moderators / 
administrators of the Goa mailing list take a stand on the trash - even if 
it's fictional and from their friends.

For the same reason, I support the action of All India Catholic Union [AICU] 
& The Bombay Catholic
Sabha [BCS].  Response to the other posts to follow.

=====response from JC=====

Dear Gilbert,

May I suggest that the individuals who have done most harm to the Catholic 
Church in modern times are NOT non-Catholics but CATHOLICS who fall into 
three categories:

1. Those who perpetrated the Sexual abuse scandal

2. Those who knew but pretended not to know

3. Those who still pretend  (cloistered in the cabal)  that ALL is OK.

Lets face it:

If ONLY those who knew about this, had acted WHEN they knew, the prevailing 
"concept" would not have been so.  These "buried in sand ostriches" as 
George Pinto rightly calls them are the MAIN cause for the embarrassment 
faced by the vast majority of Catholic priests (who are GOOD). These good 
individuals find themselves on the defensive and under an unnecessary cloud 
of suspicion.

Do you not have it in you to OPPOSE these 'ostriches" in public ?  or are 
you going to explain your "sitting on the fence" posture.

Remeber this because I say it - UNLESS the moderate Catholics (and Hindus & 
Muslims) OPPOSE the actions of the dastardly few on the fringes, films like 
Sins and Bins will get increasing credibility.

I remember growing up in Poona at a time when the Hindu Maha Sabha would 
circulate books about priests and nuns having secret affairs.

Now, if you knew how the nuns were "cloistered" in Poona - you would know 
HOW stupid these stories appeared.  Because that is exactly how they did 

Now....any Tom, Dick and Harry can come up and spout out an allegation 
against ANY priest. You wish to estimate WHO is likely to be believed more?

I'd say this...... I am relieved that this film is about a love affair 
between a Man and a Woman.  It happens.  I known NO reason NOT to believe 
that a priests fall in love.

And So WHAT?! It is natural isn't it? So where is the beef?!

Those who  believe that Priests are incapable of following in love, are just 
as good as the Rt. Wing Hindu nuts who want us to believe that  Lesbianism 
among women does not exist in India.

hey....take it easy ...... losts of stuff is happening among the sati 
savitri Bharati mahila mandal. If you work in some specialties - you may 
find all sorts of objects in all sorts of orificies - including broken 
testtubes.   Ok?!

Wake up you Gilberts of this world.

Heterosexual Sex is NOT a sin. Don't make it so. The challenge for us is to 
guide the young to use this gift of love responsibly and with care.

Falling in love is NOT a sin.....never mind which anti-Catholic nut wants to 
make it to be.

Child Molestation and Rape however are definite Sins.

And as far as I am concerned - EVERY religion has its molesters and abusers 
- the publicity ONLY against the priests notwithstanding.

good wishes


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