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From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

~    Did this "evolutionary" "expert" friend get this from
~    Henry Morris, the creationist "expert" and founder of
~    The Institute of Creation Research, A Christ-Focused
~    Creation Ministry?

~    His 1975 article can be accessed here:

~    http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-021.htm

~    I wonder why even after all these years all normal
~    scientists, including Stephen Jay Gould and the other
~    Harvard scientists, as well as the Pope have
~    disregarded this finding in favor of the conventional
~    theory of human evolution.


I just read the article you refer to from the ICR. Unless my
understanding of the article is completely off, I don't think Mr.
Morris was making a case for a 2% population growth rate; rather, he
was making a case against the alarm raised by eugenicists such as
Margaret Mead (founder of Planned Parenthood) who based their fears on
such a growth rate.

A population growth rate is not usually determined by evolutionists or
creationists, but rather by actual demographic statistics. One does
not require an evolutionary scientist to tell you that the population
of India will exceed that of China circa 2025, or that the Goan
population in the diaspora exceeds that of the growth rate in Goa.
Ergo, the
extrapolation is based purely on demographic trends and recorded
natural events which might have skewed the patterns of population growth.

My friend, for the record, is no fan of the Creation Research
Institute. He is a very committed evolutionist and probably knows more
about the subject than do most believers in the theory. My point in
citing him and his colleague Stephen Jay Gould was to say that, in
spite of his belief in evolutionary theory, he can't deny that our
human forebears can't be traced--based on population growth
alone--beyond the 6,000 - 8,000 period that we've been talking about.

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