Dear Gilbert,

Thanks for your interest in supporting an english version of the research.
It would mean cost of translation and publication in Goa. It would be much
cheaper than doing it in Europe. I wonder if Claude & Norma Alvares of OIBS
would take care of it. It certainly fits their area of interest.

This research covers the period 1822-1892. Tthere were 8 true blooded native
Goans during that period. The research onlu mentions briefly their
background in Goa but does not delve on their lives in Goa. It is about 
their performance in the Parliament in Lisbon. But some of them like
Bernardo Peres da Silva, Constancio Roque da Costa, Bernardo Francisco da
Costa, Francisco Luis Gomes and Constancio Roque da Costa (grandson) played
a very active role in local politics in Goa. Bernardo Francisco da Costa
established the first private printing press in Goa to publish his newspaper
"O Ultramar" in 1859. It may be considered a landmark in Goan cultural
history. Bernardo Francisco da Costa also managed to establish himself as
president of an important municipality in the suburbs of Lisbon ( in Almada)
and one of his sons, Alfredo da Costa was a well-known pediatrician whose
name  is given to a prestigious maternity hospital in Lisbon. Many
Portuguese are born there even today without knowing who Alfredo da Costa
was! Francisco Luis Gomes was the author of an excellent novel entitled 
Brahmanes". It exposes the evils of caste in India. Incidentally, also some
others among  these MPs in Lisbon voiced their criticism of the caste system
and asked for measures against it. Curiously, the Portuguese members in the
Parliament sounded reluctant and helpless to do anything about it. 

It is not easy or possible for me to go into more details of this research
on the net. That is why a published version would be useful.

Teotonio R. de Souza


From: "Gilbert Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: <>

Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 12:30:52 -0500

Subject: [Goanet]RE: Goan MP's in the Portuguese Parliament



Hi Teotonio,

I would be more than happy to work with others to contribute.=20

Did any of these Goan MPs return to Goa and contribute to the life of


Were these guys and gals like the Nehru (father and son), Gandhi and

Jinnah of Goa?

How many of them returned and died in Goa (not just after their


Of the 35 how many were true blooded native Goans?


Thanks for the response. GL

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