With so much caste-noise broadcast on goanet, is it really a war against
castes or a war of castes? Could each one writing on the theme indicate what
caste he belongs to? It could help to filter the emotional ingredients of
the debate. I am inclined to take the anti-brahmin discourse of a chardo or
sudir discussant with a pinch of salt, just  as the anti-chardo discourse of
a brahmin or sudir, etc. etc. Am I  asking too much? Would this request
embarass some discussants? I remember that the very first time I came to
know our famous Konkani researcher Jose Pereira it was in 1969 at Rachol
Seminary. He gave us a talk after introducing himself: «Hanv Juze Pereira,
kuddtôrcho bamônn»! I was quite shocked with that style. But I give him
credit now. Discussions about such a emotional issue like caste should not
be conducted under / behind any identity covers! Only after identity
disclosure we could believe in the truly altruistic and humanistic goals of
this debate, even if Goanet may not save us from the caste system!

Teotonio R. de Souza 

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