FEB 28: How much lower can we stoop? Surely there must be some dignity that
Goan politicians must be possessing and which should come to the fore now.
The war of words between the two opposing parties, especially the Congress
and the BJP is sinking to new lows and barely goes a day without one
politician or member of a party taking a potshot at another thus bringing on
a fresh round of accusations, finger pointing and name calling. Common
gentlemen, behave like adults and leave the name calling to the children.
Guaranteed the sudden turn in events, which has seen one government suddenly
fall and another sworn in may have caused a lot of heartburn and anguish
among many. It may also lead to anger and despair but to insult the dignity
of the Governor, House and the office should not be done. Because we keep
forgetting that politicians are elected representatives of the people, the
Speaker is the true custodian of the rights and dignity of the House and its
members and the Governor is the representative of the President. As Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru observed: “The Speaker represents the House. He
represents the dignity of the House, the freedom of the House and because
the House represents the nation, in a peculiar way the Speaker becomes the
symbol of the nation’s freedom and liberty. Therefore, it is right that,
that should be an honoured position, a free position and should be occupied
always by men of outstanding ability and impartiality.” But is that
happening in Goa? No, on the contrary, the office of the Speaker and the
House has slowly degenerated into personal battlegrounds between
individuals. Forgetting all norms and levels of decency, Goan politicians
have no hesitation in character-assassination and name-calling. It has
become fashionable to abuse and run down opponents on the floor of the House
and outside the House. Is this parliamentary and what are we trying to tell
the people?

It does not end there. When the person was supporting the party, then it was
all hunky dory but when the support is withdrawn revenge is openly talked
about, disgusting remarks are made and to make it even worse, party cadres
openly talk about revenge. Is this doing anything good for the State and are
these the politicians that Goa needs who can take us forward? Let us have
some decorum and dignity and then perhaps Goa can be a better place to live
in. For that we need politicians who can lead from the front, act properly
and behave properly. Is it possible? Only the people of Goa can answer.

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