Just like some in the silent majority, I've been following this thread closely
and mostly found the posts by all participants informative....that exchange
momentarily went into a "what-I'm-saying-is-more-accurate-than-you" syndrome.

I can conclude that the practice of casteism is present but not rampant -
whether in the Catholic Church, in the Legislative Assembly, in my neighbourhood
or at the local tintto. The question is how do we deal with it when we see it
raise it's ugly head?

Cornel: "Drive a stake thru it's heart"

Teotonio: "Declare your own caste"

Basilio: "Deal with it on a one-at-a-time basis"

Gilbert: "Casteism - must be more of those sasumai kanneos"

Mario: "want to abolish the diabolical caste system"

Casteism as a practice will always exist in our life times and beyond.....the
question is how do we deal with it?

Cecil on Mar 2/05
I have friends, associates, clients, suppliers etc from a whole range of 
Goan Catholics besides people of other religions and ethnicity. I don't 
know what their castes are and wouldn't be less bothered.

+++ Suppose I told you, a particular friend(s) of yours had a casteist mindset,
would you do as you suggest below - stop associating with them?

Cecil on Mar 2/05
If a few stupid Goan Catholics will only marry only within their own caste 
then surely that is their own problem. Why should we be bothered? And if some
Jurassic Goan Clubs still don't accept people of a particular caste then don't
join that club, and stop associating with members of that Club.

+++ Aren't you putting this a little too simply.....there must be several
hundred Goans who were scarred by being denied membership to the Jurassic Goan
Clubs you mention.....this has been an oft raised issue here on Goanet over
several years....if people keep mentioning this....it obviously affected some of
them.......probably something that you and I cannot relate too as we were not
denied membership and probably can neither counsel them.

Gibert on Mar 6/05
Or like me:  let's move on and make the best of our present lives with
practical actions; To help our fellow Goans of all caste.
Now I am sure someone will write TO TELL ME "What I am saying."

+++ What does this mean ?? You are not suggesting that the practice of Casteism
amongst Goan Catholics is non-existent, are you ?? Please help us with some
"practical suggestions". Moving on "as is" could appear as "denial" or
"surrender"........Help our fellow Goans - period!! "of all caste" carries
connotations giving the ugly head, a face.

Sanny Vaz on Feb 28/05
Sogleam thaim mhojem ekuch prathon, apun tosso dusro mhunon somoz, tuka kanto 
(thorn) laglear dukhta tosoch dusrea-kui dukta mhunon chint, anik sodanch tuji 
jib sambalun uloi, peleak okman korinakai,

+++ I would like to request Sanny Vaz to please post his wonderful article in
English for the benefit of some following the debate and don't understand

Teotonio (in the past):
If you peruse somebody's birth record in the local church, you could find out
the caste they were born into.

+++ What about somebody not born in Goa ?? And why would the church allow any
Jaki-bostiao and Santan-marie to go about perusing others birth records?

Teotonio (in the past):
If you know the individual's original name and village, you could find out the
caste they were born into.

Fred (in the past):
If you know the village somebody comes from, you can identify the caste the
person was born into.

+++ What about people whose grandfather moved from village A to village B for
economic or social reasons? If village A was higher in the social hierarchy
would that automatically make the family appear from a lower caste once we met
subsequent generations living in village B ? What about the reverse? Could one
really predict their caste! NOT !!

Gabriel on Feb 28/05:
Respect everyone, no matter if they work in the fields or own a house in prime

+++ I like that....that is for us to practice....but what do we do when we meet
Caetan or receive an email from Caetan that carries the condescending tone that
has been easily mistaken (or maybe not) as a higher caste talking down to a
lower caste? Use the DELETE key or start another thread as Teotonio suggested?

This is obviously a complex issue.......

Thank you everybody (incl. those not mentioned above) for your insights thus far

Best wishes - Bosco

PS. Jaki-bostiao, Santan-marie & Caetan are fictitious Goans in my narrative

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