As a proponent of this discussion of Caste, I am glad
that we have had this discussion and given everyone on
this forum an opportunity to air their views, deny
their personal prejudices etc.  etc.  It would appear
from the discussions that there are no casteeists
among us, or if there are any, they are afraid to tell
us why they consider themselves superior, if that is
what casteeism is all about.

We Goans are a prejudiced lot.  But who isn't ?  If
there is any human being anywhere without some sort of
prejudice, he must be a saint.

Goans in East Africa established clubs, where some
Goans were denied membership.  I dont know if this was
caste related or whether certain socio-economic
classes were considered to be inferior.  If I recall
correctly, Goans of the tailor profession were looked
down upon.  I am not sure if they were denied
membership in Goan clubs or whether they simply chose
to associate only with others of their own profession,
and formed Goan Tailoring societies, with their own
social activities.

Mangloreans were also considered non-Goans and were
denied membership in Goan clubs.
In keeping with the colonial attitude at that time,
Goans looked down on Africans as merely servants.  In
the "old" days, most of the Africans had not received
a western education and had not achieved economic
parity.  So in part this may have been one of social
status.  The pecking order, as I recall was, the
Europeans, then Goans (with their own internal pecking
order), then other Indians/Asians and then Africans.

While we indulge in self-flagellation about our
prejudices, we must acknowledge that wherever there
are humans, one finds prejudices. As humans, we want
our progeny to resemble us and therefore are afraid to
allow our sons and daughters to marry into another

Now that most of us have had an opportunity to express
our views on caste, perhaps it is time to move on to
other topics as the discussion of caste is becoming

Let us become more Goa-centric in our discussions.  We
all profess our love for Goa, and other than coming
down to Goa from foreign lands, eating Xitt-codi,
Chorisao and imbibing caju feni, what are we doing for
Goa and Goans ? Let the brick bats fly on this


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