Well said Carlos!

<<the caste system will die fairly soon>>

I agree with Carlos that the so-called caste system among some fake Goan 
Catholics, including some priests will perish soon as it has no foundation 

The so-called Catholic caste system is just a superiority complex illusion of 
fake Goan Catholics consisting of superstructure of unseen walls floating with 
no foundation.  Who can preserve this illusion, so-called Catholic caste 
system? ...the local Catholic Bishop or the Pope? ..there is no foundation 
neither in Goa nor in Rome for this illusion, the so-called Catholic caste 

Further, the local Goa Bishop is INCAPABLE of even controlling few EVIL priests 
(I repeat 'few EVIL priests') that exist in Goa Diocese.  There are mass 
Financial irregularities going on in the few Goan Parishes benefiting these few 
EVIL Parish Priests in Lacs of Rupees.  If any Goanetter wants a proof of my 
above statement, I can do so.  Please send me an private email.

Gautama Buddha, born as Hindu in 560 BC, founded a religion based on sound pure 
spiritual principles not only without any Caste System but also without a God, 
benefiting all Human Beings on this planet. In addition, Gautama Buddha also 
created an opportunity to Hindus as well as others to join Budhism leaving 
their caste system behind them.

There may be few Goanetters who know and also few who think they know 
everything about this  illusion, the so-called Catholic caste system.  May I 
request them to keep their knowledge to themselves as it has no value neither 
now nor in the future. We need to move on in life and help the needy if we can.

No superstructure can stand on a weak foundation for long, it may stand beyond 
our life time.

Cip Fernandes

-----Original Message-----
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03 March 2005 21:36

Death of the caste system.
Whether you like it or not, I  feel that the caste system will die fairly soon, 
whether people like it or not. But how? If Gautama Buddha, Guru Nanak, 
Ramchandra, Tulsidas and Swami Vivekanda (and others) could not reform it or 
eradicate it, what will kill it off now? The simple answer - money. Money 
changes everything, never underestimate its power.

Money is the new religion. In the olden days, the pursuit of wealth was seen as 
impure, therefore there was no real need to be rich. They had respect, that's 
all that mattered. The explosion of consumer goods like DVD players, wide 
screen TVs, Cars etc has made India into a advertising man's heaven.  Money is 
become the new God and in this religion, what matters is your talent and 
intelligence, not where you're born. Over time, this has meant that the caste 
system will fall apart as Indian society becomes a place where status depends 
more on money than your surname. Whether that's a good thing or not, that's 
debatable. Caste system might be replaced with a Class system, the rich and the 
poor, or white collared and blue collard and so on.
We will then have debates on why the poor are not getting free schooling or 
jobs. Should we give them free lunch or should we look for talent? There will 
be people who will say âFree lunch will not work if India has to succeedâ. 
Look at Soviet Union or Nehruâs socialism. Others will say âRob Peter and 
give Paulâ. Or they may debates on why the rich are not getting married with 
the poor. Or we might even debate about the skin color? World is not fair and 
will never be.

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