With all due apologies to the Bee Gees

The Casteist Goan Bachelor's Pathetic Song
(re-written lyrics by Cecil Pinto)

Smile, an everlasting smile, I only failed my SSC.

Don't ever, ask me how much I earn,
Cause that would bring a tear to me.

We lost all our pro-per-ty,
Let's buy a brand new flat, now my love.

Right now, the market is quite down,
And I can show you how, my love.

Tell Dad, to renew his FDs,
And nominate them all to me.

And I, will give our kids a caste,
A surname - and respectability.

You're right. I am a useless bum
What else can I saaaay

It's only caste, and caste is all I have, to steal your heart away.
It's only caste, and caste is all I have....

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