On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 21:12:16 -0800 (PST), Marlon Menezes
> Philip,
> Given that the majority of goans now rely on air
> transport, your point on concentrating resources on
> improving airport connectivity between Dabolim and the
> yet to built Mopa is very logical.
> For a wealthy state like Goa, I do however feel that
> relying on a conventional rail link is perhaps being a
> bit too modest. I would recommend Goa go for a Maglev
> line, like the one used in Shanghai.
> I also believe that the time is right for Goa to have
> its own airlines. Instead of putting money into its
> Kadamba bus service - which hardly anyone uses, the
> government should perhaps create a Kadamba Airways
> instead.
> Marlon


I second the motion for Goa to have it's own Airline - think though,
that Kadamba Airways will not take off !, it will grind to a halt. How
about Goan Air? (pronounced go on Air) Also Goa should now seriously
be thinking of Air Ambulances, as the roads are pretty clogged up and
chances of getting an injured peson to Goa Medical College sometimes
means, Dead On Arrival (D.O.A.). This of course will take sometime but
if Goa starts now we should be there in the next decade. We do have
Air Ambulances here in the U.K. and Abrahamovich Of Chelsea Football
Club among several others have their own private jets which ferry them
from Heathrow to Gatwick and London City Airport. There is also a
helicopter terminal in Battersea for those wanting to visit nearby
Wimbledon for tennis!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England.

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