Recently I posted an article in Konkani titled “Zathi ani Kathi Goemkaram Modem” which appeared on Goanet, Gulf Goans eNewsletter and The Goan Forum. I have translated the same in English as per the request of Goanet Administrator Mr. Bosco D'Mello, and other well-wishers. I am positive that this will give a better understanding of my article, specially to those who can’t read Konkani.

For quite some time we have been reading the topic “GOANS & CASTE” on the Internet and even on Herald news paper… On this particular topic many have given their views and motives like Dr. Gilbert Lawrence, Mr. Santosh Helekar, Mr. Basilio Monteiro, Mr. George Pinto, Mr. Cornerl DaCosta – London, Mr. Melvyn Misquita, Fr. Ambrose Pinto – New Delhi, Mr. Dom Martin and many others are discussing just Goans and Caste.

These differences of Caste and Creed not only exist in Goa but all over India, which even our Indian Govt. has turned a deaf ear. In states such as Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Andra Pradesh, Kerala etc. lot of heinous acts take place which don’t even appear in our media reports, but there are a few Organizations who strive hard to fight this evil and give a better life to the victims.

In Goa Casteism still exist to the present time, but the debate on the internet doesn’t say
anything of vital importance, such as, Why do we have these differences among us? Or how can we put an end to this? None wants to discuss this. I liked the writing of Mr. Cornel DaCosta (London based) but more than that of “MR. DOM MARTIN” who at least mentioned one important point related to Goans in his comment: “Lower Caste boy MARRYING a Bhatkar’s daughter”.

In Goa during the reign of Portuguese our Bhatkar (Landlords), Bamon (Brahmins) and Chaddi considered themselves as LORDS, who ruled over the tenants strenuously and kept them strangled for quite a while. They even deprived proper education for their tenants children, today few know these facts and those who do know are relaxing in a numb state and criticizing the follies of others. This new generation has no knowledge of the past (Portuguese reign) and its very important that we bring to their attention the facts and figures concerning the TYRANNY of these so called LORDS. Because among us there will be many whose parents might have been the victims of these tyrants, whose parents might have been the victims of torture and abusive insults etc…. But they boldly faced it just for the sake of their children, to give them proper education and a place of dignity and honor in this society which is filled with hatred that we live in… Today many children of these same tenants are seen holding good posts and white collar jobs, but do they have any idea of what their parents went through for what they are today? I don’t think so.

During the reign of Portugez Landlords and Brahmins utilized Caste system vigorously as a form of oppression, and even today it still exists but with less Ferocity. The reason is today everyone has basic or advanced qualifications…. During their hay days these Landlords and Brahmins treacherously squeezed Gavdho (Kunbi) people, they even forged false documents and inherited huge properties of these Gavdho people, cause they did not even have basic education to sign their own name, which was added advantage to the literate tyrants…. In addition to this these Landlords and Brahmins employed / enslaved the daughters of their tenants in their own homes as servants (Kiryadam) who suffered lot of torture and abuse, but none could utter a word against them, because they were highly influential with the police officials. The tenants daughters even gave illicit birth to their children who were called Mistis (Mix-breed). My friends is this the same thing you all wish to discuss on the Internet?

In all of the states in India Caste known as “Dalit” is considered to be the lowest among all, the same fate is in Goa, Madho (MARR) this caste is considered lowest of all, who ever he may be regardless of Caste, Creed or Religion, after all he is a human with bones / flesh & blood, a
creation of the Highest… Fr. Ambrose Pinto a Jesuit Priest who was in Banglore for a while and is now based in New-Delhi was interviewed by Mr. Yoginder Sikand concerning this same topic of Caste, his question was “Why do Castes exist among Christians?” and this is what Fr. Ambrose replied to him. "According to the preaching’s of the Holy Bible, God made man with his own features, but did not create Caste and Creed among men, he further mentioned that
Jesus too was against this, because he could not tolerate the oppression of the poor, he further told that Jesus was Crucified without mercy because he always opposed the oppressors". Fr. Ambrose advises us all that we won’t be able to walk in the footsteps of Jesus until and unless we strongly strive to oppose the oppressors and stop this hatred and discrimination, and if this continues as it is, then there won’t be peace among us, his advise is also to the Brother-hood of Priests, cause they too are following the same route, seeing evil they deny seeing it same as St. Peter denied Jesus before his conviction, now a days many of our Priests are seen committing evil they should change their attitude specially towards innocent children.

Even today in Goa Caste & Creed problems do exist but with less ferocity, but among Hindus its Hell… A few years back Madho was considered as low Caste, in as such even his house one would find at the extreme corner of the Village, none would accept even a drop of water from his house, but today things have changed, the son of this Madho is the Chief Cook of reputed 5 Star Hotel, and the oppressors feast on the tasty food, do they know that the Chief Cook of that hotel is as Madho? No they don’t, because its not written on his Forehead that he’s a Madho by Caste. In another instance your neighbour who’s a cobbler, his son is the Chief Doctor of your Community Health Center, won’t you take prescriptions he prescribes? Also your Gavdho neighbour, his son is the Serpanch of your Constituency, you need him for the good and worst…. So what’s the status of these Castes & Creed? God created man and man created the differences among men, don’t you think so?

Don’t put a blind fold on your eyes just because reality stands before you, the oppressed have come up in life due to their hard work and dedication, many of whom are Landlords today, and the Landlords and Brahmins of yester years who used to boost with pride, today can be seen begging in the market square, this saying isn’t wrong “As you sow, so shall you reap” same is the fate of these tyrants, not a single house hold of theirs has peace, children of some are caged like pets (Mentally ill), some have retarded children who sit in the veranda, hallow and laugh at passers by, in other words “Adam committed the sin and the generation pays for it”.

This Caste & Creed problem is not only in Goa, but here abroad too exists among Goans, why do we carry it with us, as HERITAGE? The reason behind this is we are selfish and we are not bothered about others. It is because our brain has tumor of hatred due to which we have lost the ability to think goodness of others. Here we are ready to feast at the cost of others but refuse to give a drop of water to the thirsty… Another heritage we carry with us is jealousy & revenge, here is an instance, while in Goa Pedru insulted Ladru for some reason, then both came to Kuwait for work, now Ladru is taking his revenge, why does this happen among us Goans? Can’t we live in peace and harmony and make it an example for others to follow?

Jesus suffered so much, even died on the Cross to relieve us from sin. Can’t we forgive our enemy, with such rude behavior do you think we can climb the steps to Heaven? No matter what’s your Caste, Creed or Religion “From the dust you shall rise and unto dust you shall go” leaving all behind you, so friends lets all practice to live in harmony and wipe-out these discriminations among us, lets learn to live like domesticated animals living in a shed, because when ten animals live in a shed, their horns do clash. We too have ups and downs in our lives, and God has given us the ability to think, so lets utilize it for a good purpose.

My friends, God has gifted us with great qualities and understanding, don’t whisk with pride, it can be short lived. Just because you have a tongue, don’t spit hatred. Mind your language, you have sufficient qualifications and world knowledge. Learn to respect your neighbour, just because your neighbour has slaughtered a Pig you don’t try to kill a Tiger. And if you can’t understand what is peace and harmony then you should consider yourself as a “Educated Ignorant”.

I urge everyone to consider your neighbour same as you, also imagine the pain of a thorn you feel will be same as others feel it too, avoid abusing and discriminating others, try to comfort the needy. If we follow this then Castes & Creed will be a thing of the past. Remember, in harmony we can walk to Planet Mars.

Best Wishes to all,

Sanny Vaz.

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