What's up Man! You are mixing catechism with history Man!  Catechism
teaches Our Father, Hail Mary, I Believe, I Confess, Ten Commandments
etc.  You have lost touch of reality Man!  Goans Christians are part of
history lessons not catechism as you are implying.  Christianity existed
in Goa much before the arrival of Portuguese.

Why are you isolating the caste system to Catholic community?  Why are
you biased against other communities?  Don't you like to deal with the
Caste system as an evil of Goan society?  Don't you want all communities
to be free from this evil?

Mario, are you saying that caste system is good for other communities
whereas it is evil for Catholic community?

Mario, your ability to deal with caste system is outdated and ill
equipped.  Your "rave and rant" approach will not lead you anywhere.
Your halfhearted approach to deal with caste system smells of sinister
motives.  Your lackadaisical effort and your repeated attempts to talk
about your sickness and old age as a deterrent to deal firmly with caste
system speak volumes of your true intent.


Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

Avelino, 5,000 years refers to Hindus.  Christ preached
that everyone was the same.  Did you even get this
part of your catechism?  Goans have been Christian for
up to 450 years or so.

All we anti-castists want is for
Catholics who still follow the caste system to realize
how wrong and destructive and anti-Christian this
system is.

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