Hi Gilbert,
Between us two, clearly, we do see the world totally differently on the issue of caste. You ask me... would it not be better to get Goans together and work and live more amicably across caste lines?

My answer is a definitive NO. Caste is entirely divisive and has generated tension and animosity among Goans for generations. Thus to promote amicabilty, there is a need to first remove the cause which generates divisiveness i.e. caste among our Catholic Goans. Only then, would the Catholic Goans integrate and cohere to a greater extent then they have ever done in their many of their institutions.
Your recipe is for the continuation of caste Gilbert. Mine is for its elimination. I have always admitted that it will be difficult but I would never stop trying to debunk casteism.

On reflection, I think the substantial caste debate on Goanet has been a good thing. Minimally, it has been educational, and hopefully, has empowered, in terms of thought, those who have had reservations about caste. However, it can also have temporarily fortified the non progressive dinosaurs, who support the caste system across the board in Goan society, paradoxically, in an age of globalisation. On balance however, I believe that, as many have said, it is education which will win in the long run. This will be both formal and informal education, which will, in turn, generate thought and reflection. Growing personal prosperity among individuals and groups should also gradually dilute caste to the point when it becomes a distant memory. But all in good time!

Please do not forget to answer the two questions I had posed for you. To reiterate, they were:
1. How can one reconcile Catholic religious belief with Hindu belief as you perhaps think possible?
2. Why do casteists need the crutch of caste when the rest of us seem to get on fine without such a crutch or impediment?

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
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