Falsely accused priest arrested in Gujarat
9 Mar. Asia News (Italy). Hindu fundamentalists persuade a woman to
press charges against a Jesuit priest. Two months ago the same woman
had cleared him of the same charges (
http://www.asianews.it/view.php?l=en&art=2735 )

...............................Fr Gonsalves was sent to jail on March
7 by a court in Radhanpur after the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu
Council or VHP) convinced Shanteben Gulabbhai from Jawaharnagar
village to press charges against him.

Two months ago Ms Gulabbhai had asked Father Gonsalves for help in
finding a place to live in her district, which is located some 300 km
from the Banaskantha district (northern Gujarat) where the Jesuit
priest is a trustee of the local Catholic Ashram, which runs a
low-cost housing project for the poor and disadvantaged.

The clergyman had told the woman that he could not help given the
great distance between them. After being turned down she went to the
police to press charges against him only to change her mind later
saying that she just wanted to get back at the Jesuit. Father
Gonsalves eventually said he would try to do something to help the

The case seemed closed till March 5 when a Hindu newspaper in the city
of Patan picked up and ran with the story, repeating the accusations.

Pressured by Hindu groups a court summoned Father Gonsalves and placed
him under judicial custody on the basis of the Atrocity Act on the
basis of Ms Gulabbhai's testimony. However, she is not a credible
witness. Her own brother, Ishwarbhai Ramsinhbhai Rana, in a written
statement alleged that over the years she has acquired the reputation
of being an extortionist, literally terrorising her neighbours.

Comment: Could this also happen in Goa????????  Someone asks you for a
favour or help, you are unable to, or do not respond - the result is
that they then take pot shots at you!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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