On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 09:21:33 -0800 (PST), Mario Goveia
> Hey, Nascimento,
> Calm down, man.  I have no intentions of weeping.
> Weeping never solves anything.  Besides, India and
> Indians are far better off today than when I left 33
> years ago for the New World.

 In case you have missed it India is now
> the 4th largest economy in the world after the US,
> Japan and China.  They probably would have been No. 1
> if Nehru had made a right turn instead of a left turn
> in 1947.  Where does Australia rank?

RESPONSE: We have a programme on the TV at the moment, about China,
which states that China will soon overtake the U.K. as the 4th biggest
economy in the World....please also check the URL


I guess it's USA, Japan, Germany, U.K/France, China...........


Gabe Menezes.

London England.

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