Dear Friends,
I just had a word with Rev. Fr. Cedric Prakash. Rev. Fr. Prasad
Gonsalves continues to languish in jail. Under some pretext or the
other his bail application is being delayed.
This is a clear case of human rights violation. 
Urgent faxes and emails should be sent to the following so that
Fr.Prasad is released immediately and those who gave false complaints
are arrested and prosecuted.
President Abdul Kalam Azad     : 011 23014570
Prime Minister Shri Manmohan Singh : 011 23019334
Chairman - National Human Rights Commission Justice A.S.Anand : [EMAIL 
The Bombay Catholic Sabha and the All India Catholic Union [National
President Dr. John Dayal have already lodged their protest.
The BCS will also launch a signature campaign and work out on
alternative agitational plans if Fr. Prasad is not released
immediately and the false and frivolous  charges against him are  not
Please keep in touch for further news and action plans.
Best Regards,
Dolphy D'souza
National Vice President -All India Catholic Union
President- The Bombay Catholic Sabha
Tel: 91 22 26662585 / 09820226227

For detail information about the incidence please check out the message

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