This is a rather fascinating page. Please visit it at

Do you think we could apply some of the ideas in Goa? FN

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Types of Communities

People come together online for all kinds of reasons: (please note: many 
of these links no longer work. A testment to what happens in 3 years!)

     * Collaborative workgroups
     * Family groups
     * Social spaces
     * Role playing
     * Illness support groups
     * Spaces for primarily face-to-face groups
     * Ethnic groups
     * Professional groups
     * Geographically related groups
     * Software support
     * Intellectual discussion groups
     * Special interest groups
     * Creative groups sharing techniques and work

Frederick Noronha         784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat, SALIGAO, GOA India
Freelance Journalist      T: +91-832-2409490 M: 9822122436

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