Government of Goa
Department of Law and Judiciary
Legal Affairs Division


The Goa Right to Information Act 1997 (Goa Act 28 of 1997), which has been passed by the Legislative Assembly of Goa on 31-7-1997 and assented to by the Governor of Goa on 29-10-1997; is hereby published for general information of the public.

P.V. Kadnekar, Joint Secretary (Law).
Panaji, 2nd December, 1997.


Short title and commencement
Right to Information
Procedure for supply of information
Restriction on right to information
Obligation on competent authority
Offences to be cognizable
State Council for Right to Information
Act to have over-riding effect
Protection to action taken in good faith
Charging of fees

THE GOA RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 1997 ( Goa Act No. 28 of 1997) (29-10-1997)


To make provision for securing Right to Information in the State of Goa and for matters relating thereto.

Whereas it is necessary that every Governmental action should be transparent to the public.

And Whereas to achieve this object, every citizen should be able to get information from the Government

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Goa in the Forty-eight Year of the Republic of India as follows

1. Short title and commencement -

(1). This Act may be called to Goa Right to Information Act 1997.

(2). It shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions.-

(a) "Competent Authority" *means any authority or officer notified by the Government for the purpose of this Act.

(b) Government" means the Government of Goa.

(c )"Information" means material or information relating to the affairs of the state or any local or other authorities constituted under any enactment passed by the Legislative Assembly of Goa for the time being in force or a Statutory Authority or a Company, Corporation, Trust, Firm, Society or a Co-operative Society, or any Organization funded or controlled by the Government or executing any public work or service on behalf of or as authorized by the Government.

(d ) "Right to Information" means the Right of access to information and includes the inspection of works, documents, records, taking notes and extracts and obtaining certified copies of documents or records, or taking samples of material.

3. Right to Information - Subject to the provisions of this Act every citizen shall have right to obtain information from a competent authority.

4. Procedure for supply of information - (1) A person desiring information shall make an application to the Competent Authority giving the particulars of the matter relating to which he seeks information.

Provided that where a person cannot, for valid reasons, make a request in writing, the Competent Authority may either accept an oral request which may subsequently be reduced in writing or render reasonable assistance to such person in making a written request.

(2) Upon receipt of an application requesting for an information the Competent Authority shall consider it and furnish the information required by the applicant or pass orders thereon refusing the request as soon as practicable and in any case, within thirty working days from the date of receipt of application :

Provided that where such information relates to the life or liberty of an individual, the Competent Authority shall either furnish information or pass order refusing the request within 48 hours on receipt of the application.

The information shall be supplied in writing either in English or in the Official Languages.

5. Restrictions on Right to Information - The Competent Authority may, for reasons recorded in writing withhold -

(a) Information, the disclosure or contents of which will prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity of India or security of the State or International relations or Public Order or administration of justice or Investigation of an offence or which leads to incitement to an offence ;

(b) Information relating to an individual or other information, the disclosure of which has no relationship to any activity of the Government or which will not sub serve any public interest and would constitute a clear and unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ;

{"(bb) papers containing advice, opinion, recommendations or minutes submitted to the Governor of discharge of his constitutional functions and any information, disclosure of which, would prejudicially affect the conduct of the Centre-State relations, including information exchanged in confidence between the Centre and the Government or any of their authorities or agencies";}

Trade and commercial secrets or any other information protected by Law ;

Information whose release would constitute a breach of Parliament or of Legislative Assembly Privilege[:]

["Provided that the competent authority shall, before with-holding information under this clause, refer the matter to the Legislative Secretariat for determination of the issue and act according to the advice tendered by that Secretariat:

Provided further that no appeal shall lie under section 6 against an order withholding supply of information under this clause;"]

Information whose disclosure would endanger the life or physical safety of any person or identify the source of information or assistance given in confidence for Law enforcement of security purposes or in public interest:

Provided that information which cannot be denied to the State Legislature shall not be denied to any persons.

6. Appeal - (1) Any person aggrieved by an Order of the Competent Authority, or any person who has not received any Order from the Competent Authority within thirty working days may appeal to the Administrative Tribunal Act, 1965 ( 6 of 1965 )

The decision or the Administrative Tribunal be final.

No order, adversely affecting any person shall be passed except after giving that person a reasonable opportunity of being heard.

"(4) Every appeal shall be disposed as expeditiously as possible and endeavor shall be made to dispose of the appeal within 30 days from the date on which it is presented".

Obligation on Competent Authority - Every Competent Authority shall be under a duty to maintain all its records, as per its operational requirements, duly catalogued and indexed and grant access to information, subject to the provisions of this Act to any citizen requesting for such access.

8. Penalties - (1) Any person responsible for providing any information under this Act shall be personally liable for furnishing the information within the period specified.

Where a person responsible to supply information fails to furnish the information asked for under this Act within the time specified, [ or furnishes any information which is false in any material particulars and which he knows or has reasonable cause to believe to be false or does not believe it to be true,"} he shall be liable, after such enquiry as may be necessary under penalty as may be determined by the disciplinary authority under such rules. In addition the disciplinary authority may order him to pay a fine of Rs. 100/- for everyday of delay after the day by which the information is required to be supplied.

11. State Council for Right to Information - (1) The Government shall, by Notification in the Official Gazette, establish with effect from such day as specified in the Notification, a Council to be known as State Council for Right to Information.

The State Council may consist of the following members -

The Minister-in-Charge of the Department of Administrative Reforms in the Government who shall be its Chairman; and

(i) such other official Members not exceeding four ;

(ii) two M.L.As to be nominated by the Speaker ;

(iii)non-official Members not exceeding four representing journalists, Editors of Newspapers, News Agencies, Non-Government Organisation",

["(iv)non-official members not exceeding two other than those falling under item (iii) above."]

(c) the time and place of the meeting of the Council shall be as the Chairman may decide and it shall observe such procedure as may be laid down by the council to transact its business.

The object of the State Council shall be to promote right to information in the State and it shall deal with all matters related to right to information such as -

review of the operation of the Act and rules made there under.

Review of the administrative arrangements and procedures to secure for citizens the fullest possible access to information.

Research and documentation as regards management of information with a view to improve the extent and accuracy of information being made available under the Act; and

To advise the Government, on all matters related to right to information, including training, development and orientation of employees to bring in a culture of openness and transparency.

Act to have over-riding effect - The provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any other enactment of the Legislative Assembly of Goa, for the time being in force.

Protection of action taken in good faith - No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against any person for anything done in good faith or intended to be done in pursuance of this Act.

Charging of fees - The Competent Authority shall charge fees for supply of information which shall not exceed the cost of processing and making available of information.

Secretariat Annexe B.S. Subbanna

Panaji, Secretary to the Government of Goa

Date: 2-12-1997 Law Department(Legal Affairs)

(Published in the Official Gazette Series I No. 36 dated 4-12-1997 - Extraordinary)

 Government of Goa
Department of Information


In exercise of the powers under clause (a) of section 2 of the Goa Right to Information Act, 1997 (Goa Act 1 of 1998) the Government of Goa hereby notifies, the authority/officer specified in the schedule appended hereto, as "Competent Authority" for the purpose of the said Act, in respect of the departments under their control.

By order and in the name of Governor of Goa.

K.V. Prabhugaonkar,
Director of Information & Publicity &
Ex-Officio Jt. Secretary.
Panaji, 23rd February, 1998



Director of Agriculture

Director of Prosecution

Director of Accounts

Chief Engineer, Public Works Department

Director of Animal Husbandry & Vet. Services

Director (Admn.), River Navigation

Director of Archives, Archaeology & Museum

Commissioner, Sales tax

Director of Art and Culture

Jt. Secretary, Science, Technology & Environment

Director of Civil Supplies & Price Control

Director of Settlement and Land Records

Collector, Collectorate, North Goa, Panaji

Director of Social Welfare

Collector, Collectorate, South Goa, Margao.

Director of Sports and Youth Affairs

Registrar of Co-operatives

Director of State Institute of Education

Director of Craftsman Training

Director of Technical Education

Director of Education

Director of Tourism

Chief Engineer, Electricity

Chief Town Planner, Town and Country Planning

Director of Employment

Director of Transport

Commissioner of Excise

Dy. Director, Vigilance

Chief Inspector, Factories and Boilers

Controller, Weights and Measures (Legal Metrology)

Director of Fire Service

Registrar, Administrative Tribunal

Director of Fisheries

Curator, Central Library

Conservator of Forest

Chief Engineer (Irrigation-Projects)

Director, Food & Drugs Administration

Chief Electoral Officer

Executive Editor, Goa Gazetteer

Custodian, Evacuee Property

Director of Health Services

Principal, Goa College of Music

Director of Industries & Mines

Principal, Goa College of Architecture

Director of Information & Publicity


Hon'ble Chief Minister
Incharge of Administrative Reforms
Chairman Smt. Jayashree Raghuraman
Secretary (Information)
Member Shri P. Krishnamurthy
Secretary (GA)
Member Shri V. P. Shetye
Law Secretary
Member Shri Rajendra Arlekar
Member Shri Damodar (Damu) Naik
Member Shri Sharad Karkhanis
Editor, Gomantak
Member Shri Prakash Kamat
Corresp. The Economic Times
Member Shri Pundalik Naik
Savoi Verem, Goa
Member Smt. Jyoti Dhond
Reporter, Gomantak, Panaji
Member Dr. Vikram Patel
Porvorim, Goa
Member Ms. Heta Pandit
Porvorim, Goa
Member Director of Information Member Secretary
Joint Director of Information Special Invitee

_____ _/ ____\____ Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa \ __\/ \ India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436 | | | | \ |__| |___| / \/ ----------------------------------------------------- Writing with a difference, on issues that really make the difference.

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