This song is dedicated to the latest anonymous identity on GoaNet. After
Halur Rosho and Maria Rodrigues we now have Milad Meah Meah.

Cecil, You seem to have forgotten/overlooked a number of other identities. Was it just oversight, or are you growing old like me?

I am working to form a Usenet newsgroup called soc.culture.indian.goanet.fakenames and will come up for your vote when the vote-takers give the call for it.

Anyway, whatever the truth of the matter, I almost choked on the watermelon I was munching to read your 'picnic song' below. If you simply have to post at 2 pm and 9 pm, then the least you can do is to avoid such chokable stuff. FN

Milad Meah Meah
(sung to the song of popular picnic song 'Shamba Lia Lo")

Arre Milad Meah Meah!
Arre Milad Meah Meah!
Arre Milaaaad, Milaaaad, Milaaaad, Milaaaaaaaaaaad,
Acton, London, go!!

_____ _/ ____\____ Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa \ __\/ \ India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436 | | | | \ |__| |___| / \/ ----------------------------------------------------- Writing with a difference, on issues that really make the difference.

*********************************************************************** * G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S * *********************************************************************** Greet your loved ones in Goa with flowers!
EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop. World famous all over Goa!

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