John Victor Mendes (OTIS Elevators, Kuwait)
D.O.B.: 24/6/1949      D.O.D. 12/3/2005

Son of late Peter John Mendes/late Gloria Mendes, beloved husband of Flora
(Abdussalam Shuaib’s & Sons Trading Ltd. Kuwait), father of Gloria (Kuwait
Bahrain Int’l Exchange Co.), Ralston (student), brother/brother in law of
Rosy Mendonca/late Agnelo (Australia), Annie D’Souza (Delhi)/late Joaquim,
Anthony/Rosy Mendes (Bombay), Victoria/Franco Lobo (Kuwait), Anthony Francis
Fernandes (Bombay), Hillary/Rohidas Palav (Bombay) and Fabian Fernandes
(Bombay) expired after brief illness in Kuwait on March 12, 2005.

Body will be kept for final respects at Sabah Hospital Mortuary (Kuwait) on Thursday,
March 17, 2005 at 10 am.

Funeral cortege  leaves on Friday, March 18, 2005 at 5 pm  from H. No.
55/127(A), Fairlands, Opp. Samrat Building, Mahim, Bombay (Mob: Fabian –
0091-9820191281) to Victoria Church, Sitladevi Temple, Mahim, Bombay -16.

May his soul rest in peace

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