WRT to posts from Eddie Fernandes and Mario Gouveia, the snippets (attached at the foot of this message) caught my attention:

The Key Words (for me) in Eddie Fernandes' post : My brief comments in (brackets)

1.  singularly inimitable drivel   ( touché )

2.  bovine flatulence  ( energy savings ahead )

3.  shooting off  ( but of course )

4.  Do read  ( touché 2 )

5.  Where have you been?  (  yeah......where exactly have you been? )

6. not suggesting - no racism in the BBC or in the UK ( not in Hick Country neither)

The Key Words (for me) in Mario Goveia's post : My brief comments in (brackets)

1. BBC with its recent history of twisting the truth ( ha! ha! ha! Mummy Look WHO is talking )

2. "Wogs" or "Pakis" or whatever they are calling you these days ( Where have you been? )

3.  Indian expats like you  (  and like you ?)



Snippets From: "Eddie Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I had intended to let you have the last word and to ignore your singularly inimitable drivel but you are in sore need of education even if you choose to dismiss what I say as bovine flatulence :-)

You would profit from reading goanet posts before shooting off. I had also provided urls for further information. To take the two programmes that are to be aired by the BBC this Sunday:

I suggest you check on Tully's standing in India ..... Do read some of his writings. Your claim of a conspiracy by the BBC beggars belief.

Final Solution is an independent production... banned by the BJP..... Where have you been?

I am not suggesting that there is no racism in the BBC or in the UK

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Eddie, actually it is the education that you should be thankful for. Blindly believing the BBC with its
recent history of twisting the truth contributes to the ignorance and prejudices of Brits, and may make them feel superior to you "Wogs" or "Pakis" or whatever they are calling you these days, but it is Indian expats like you who need to set the record straight.

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