<RE: : airfields again & again

PANAJI: The government has instructed Chief Secretary Baleshwar Rai to
intervene and advice the Commandant of 2-STC Signals Centre at Panaji to
control his men who are alleged to be exhibiting their guns at the motorists
when they try to park in front of the town police station in a vacant lane
over which the defence forces have no jurisdiction.>[jose colaco, March 22
citing TOI 3/7/01]

Contrary to popular impression, the Goa govt does occasionally take up
issues with the military. Perhaps the above was a fairly minor infringement
that too at lower levels. So it may not have been such a big deal.  But it
does go to show the mindset of the military out here. There probably needs
to be a routine discussion forum where military-Goa issues can be aired to
mutual benefit.

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