The Omnipotent God did not ban the Satan. Even Jesus Christ engaged Satan in a discussion and conquered temptation. By trying to ban the "Da Vinci Code"[ which the author clearly states to be a NOVEL and a work of FICTION] what are we trying to prove 1. That God was/is NOT omnipotent. 2.that He was/is not SMART enough to know what is good for Him and his people. or 3. that Jesus engaged in idle discourse or was delirious after all that fasting in the desert?
From: Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
Dear Mario,

Your reaction to my posting on the controversial Da Vinci Code is perfectly
logical except for this one sentence..

"I think it is also entirely appropriate for the Church or its
members to have the right to freely criticize or
praise these books and movies, write articles and
books of criticism, make speeches, etc. without being
criticized for doing so, as part of free speech and
public discourse. "
This is a contradiction. You mean we cannot criticise the critics? That is
a restriction of our Freedom of Speech isn't it?>
Sure everyone should be allowed to criticise anything, but their criticism
in turn should not be exempt from further criticism either. Fair enough?
> Cecil
If none of the above three questions make sense to you, then read the Da Vinci Code and overcome the temptation to believe that a novel is history or religion any more that Parrikar's VCD was. We have survived the VCD, Parrikar and his BJP did not.

Viva Goa,

" Man likes the forbidden. The only error that God made was that he did not ban eating of the Serpent; otherwise Adam would have eaten it ,too." Mark Twain.

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