My Dear Santosh,

Am I not allowed to post my opinions or comments on Goanet because I donate some time to the cause each day? I don't believe I signed my name as an administrator, only as a private citizen and a member of this forum. Is it your opinion that Herman, Fred, Bosco and I should remain silent?

WRT to Mario's original post, my feeling is this: Why would anyone be inclined to impugn the integrity or intelligence of a man who was making a sincere attempt to warn his fellow Goanetters of a hazard?? Not a possible hazard, but a real hazard: I know it is a hazard because I was present once when it happened. Whether Mario's post was 100% true or not isn't the point, there is at least some truth in the warning, as these injuries do occur.

WRT Goanet's part in encouraging urban myths and legends, we administrators cannot and do not want to check the veracity of every post. Who among us would be permitted to post under those conditions? Are you correct 100% of the time?

Warm regards,


Santosh Helekar wrote:

--- Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

She can tell you that Mario's warning is no hoax.

I cannot believe that even Goanet administrators are
now trying to defend a fabricated chain letter. I
thought it was amply clear to everybody that Mario's
warning was a hoax.

Vivian, have you read what was written in his
forwarded chain letter email? Do you stand by its
authenticity? Please ask your local health
authorities, the CDC or any of the internet anti-spam
watch-dog groups. I am sorry, but I think it is your
responsibility to do so before categorically stating
that Mario's warning was not a hoax, in this public
forum, of which you are an administrator.

Here are three other sites besides Snopes, Sophos and
CDC, which state that it is a hoax:

Please tell them that you think it is not a hoax, and
ask them why they disagree with you.

Does a bogus chain letter cease to be a hoax just
because its contents bear a slight resemblance to just
a part of something that happened to one of your
friends? I think it is important for us to know if you
and other Goanet administrators are now going to try
to defend the veracity of fake chain letter emails
based on such criteria.

Does Goanet want to encourage the propagation of urban
legends and internet rumors?



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