----- Original Message ----- 
From: "jose colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <yawning can lead to an orgasm!>
> BTW: Cecil Pinto, using the prevailing logik, isn't it entirely possible 
> that Yawning causes Orgasm? After all, some folks might just be Yawning 
> during the event (:-)
> Aye Saiba !

Arre Dotor!

Cecil is probably weekending in Aldona and may be  unable to respond for a 
day or two.  I will try to strike the hot iron.

The online version of the Guardian has a list of the recent popuar articles 
it has carried.  The list currently includes "Sexy Yawns"

Headline: Sexy yawns.
Donald MacLeod reports on the research that suggests sex is the reason for 
Source: The Guardian, Wednesday March 16, 2005 at 

Excerpt: In one publication an undeniable causal relation was reported: both 
spontaneous and intentional yawning provoked instantaneous ejaculation 

Full Text:

Don't drop off at the back there - yawning is really interesting. Proving 
this has become the mission in life of Dutch academic Wolter Seuntjens, 
whose thesis - The Hidden Sexuality of the Human Yawn - has earned him a 
well-deserved place on this week's Improbable Research tour.

"The yawn has not received its due attention," argues Seuntjens, of Vrije 
Universiteit Amsterdam, who set out to provide an encyclopaedic overview of 
all available knowledge about yawning, drawing on linguistics (semantics, 
etymology), sociology, psychology, the medical sciences (anatomy, 
physiology, pathology, and pharmacology), and the arts (literature, film, 
visual arts).

He then explores whether yawning has an erotic side.

Not all readers will agree he has really proved his point about the erotic 
yawn , despite citing a passage from The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie as an 
example, but it is a good try.

Seuntjens believes there is no good explanation for yawning. He says the 
common explanation of hypoxia - that yawning is a way for the body to take 
in more oxygen - is untested.

Psychologically, too, it remains a riddle, Seuntjens has found after 
trawling through all sorts of literature. "In fact, we have really no idea 
what causes yawning and what purpose yawning serves or what mechanisms are 
responsible for yawning and even what the essential anatomical constituents 
of yawning are. In the age in which the human genome has been deciphered and 
space travel has become almost trite this verdict may sound like an 
affront," he writes.

But the yawn and the associated stretch of the 'stretch-yawn syndrome' have 
been linked to desire and even of being in love, figuring in the courtship 
process both in the West and in passages in ancient Indian literature. 
Seuntjens has even found one pair of authors who described the feeling that 
accompanies the acme of yawning as a "mini-orgasm".

He adds: "In discussing pathology I discovered that yawning and spontaneous 
ejaculation were mentioned concomitantly in terminal rabies.

"In discussing pharmacology I found a link between yawning and spontaneous 
orgasm in withdrawal from heroin addiction. Likewise, yawning and sexual 
response were associated as clinical side effects of several antidepressant 
drugs. In one publication an undeniable causal relation was reported: both 
spontaneous and intentional yawning provoked instantaneous ejaculation 

But there are times, concedes Dr Yawn, when a yawn is simply a yawn - "even 
if a 'simple' yawn is not simple at all" - and we have to interpret every 
individual yawn as the occasion arises.


Eddie Fernandes

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