GREAT to know that we have some - outside Goa
who still care for the development in Goa - and
more so for the health of Goans there. 

  I am glad that Dexter has got things moving - I
call it MAKING IT HAPPEN. I do hope that many
more Goan Doctors will join this great MOVEMENT !
LETS keep it simple , every bit of effort will
help. Lets make the TIME.


  Thanks to god sent - Emmaarkay , thank you for
making the time to help us build this website , I
hope the other GOAN DOCTORS will come to your
assistance - when things look up for us. 

   TOGETHER we can make a better GOANWORLD !

   rene barreto

--- "Emmaarkay-NJ, USA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Dr.Dexter D'Costa,

Thank you for your prompt reply, as also that
from Rene. The inputs
that you have triggered should get us more
suggestions and we should
sooner be able to draft the necessary framework
for the proposed

I remember those years in early seventies, when I
had an opportunity
to work on a few research projects at GMC with
Dr.Gogte, Dr.Dumey,
Dr.S.D.Sharma et al.

The memories of Panjim, Mapusa, Old Goa, Mira
Mar, Altinho, Vagatore,
Anjuna - I just can not forget.

I am sure by now GMC must be having a much
spacier building with more
clinical facilities.

These days I am permanently settled in New
Jersey, USA. I hope to keep
all the members of this group posted for
important developments in
this part of the world.

With best regards,



On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 14:41:12 -0800 (PST), dexter
> Hey Emmaarkay,
>   I'm extremely delighted to hear from you.
Here are my thoughts on how we
> go about setting up the "Goan Doctors Website":
this but I doubt if anyone
> replied back to him. We need to know how many
members we have to decide on
> the feasibility of the website , and
contribution of each member to its
> content! We can email this list to everyone ,
and one representative in each
> country can contact them to ensure they
participate in this website!
> 1. Who will provide the content that go on the
> We need to have two groups:
> (a)Core E-website Committee- They are
responsible for the final content
> approval on the website. The website could be
updated monthly with
> updates/news on different activities in
different regions of the world
> concerning Goan Doctors! The committee members
would have specific sections
> to be in-charge of and responsible for
contacting members to contribute with
> articles/stories/updates. The contribution will
come from every member,
> though the organization and the final content
approval will be done by the
> core committee.
> (b) Every member can contribute monthly to the
website by contacting the
> core commitee members. To ensure that every
participates, we can have a
> cyclical contribution list so all have a part
in this website! The
> contributions can be scientific research in
their field (Medicine, Surgery,
> Health Administration, Public Health, etc...),
or just news on their life
> (What they are currently doing and any other
> 2. Do you already have a logo or planning to
have one?
> We can design a Logo with a necessary theme. I
know Dr.Amit is good at
> logo-design!
> 3. How do you propose to host the site, meaning
the group will go for a
> basic paid hosting or will go through free
hosting offers?
> The basic paid hosting will have better
quality, though it needs to be
> ensured that members make regular contributions
(their dues) to keep the
> website afloat!....So maybe a free hosting
seems feasible for now considerng
> the response we've been getting!We can always
upgrade later!
> 3.a If for free hosting, do we tolerate
annoying (as well as eye catching)
> ads.?
> We need to ensure that we do not get Spam mails
or Ads. I've already noticed
> that we sometimes receive SPAM mail through the
goan doctors email list.
> 4. The subject focus and the corresponding
> The subject focus should be a mix of
scientific/academic , social/activities
> held, and personal/family updates......The
theme being that we ALL keep in
> touch and know whats happening in our friends
> 5. The graphics that go with the pages.
> As long as its low-cost and not too offensive
to anybody!
> Emmaarkay, you can call me at 573-529-1791.
Tell me more about you too! I'd
> like to get in touch with you!
> Right now, I think we first need to form a
Focus Group that decides on all
> these issues, and then each representative can
start contacting the members
> in their country to get them more involved!
(The more the merrier!)
>  Can we have more feedback/suggesstions from
the other members so that we
> can decide on the final outcome- A Goan Doctors
Website with Links to Every
> Chapter! (It would be best to keep all the
regions under one roof for easy
> access!)
> Dr.Dexter D'Costa
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