--- gilbert menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gabriel,
> I have no intention of discussing 1961 affairs. 
> This discussion is
> about the so called *perks* of the Armed Forces.
> I am wondering why your heart is bleeding for the
> Indian taxpayer,
> when you are not one yourself.  You may also like to
> know that all
> members of the Armed Forces pay the same direct and
> indirect taxes
> which everyone else pays in this country without
> exception.
> Now , since you are making such an issue about
> perks, would you like
> to identify them and put a cost to them?  Then we
> can discuss whether
> they contribute to your allegation of the *cats
> whiskers* attitude.
> Lastly, you have painted Admiral Mehta as a real
> ogre. Let me tell you
> that he really loves Goa.  He should, because he has
> been married to a
> Goan for the past 30 years.
> regards,
> Gilbert Menezes
> > Message: 9
> > Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 01:16:44 +1100 (EST)
> > From: Gabriel de Figueiredo
> > Subject: Re: [Goanet]MI, MI, those empty pots!
> > To: goanet@goanet.org
> > Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org
> > 
> > Coming back to the orginal "perks" that Philip
> > mentioned that upset Gilbert.  Largely, I agree
> with
> > Gilbert that the military deserve them, after all
> they
> > are expected to lay down their lives if need be.
> > 
> > But these perks often go to their heads, and then
> the
> > military have this attitude that they're the
> "cat's
> > whiskers" and the civilians are nothing, not
> realising
> > that it is because of the civilians and because
> the
> > civilians pay them through their taxes that they
> are
> > there.  This is the same attitude that the Navy
> has
> > regarding Dabolim, what with one Admiral Mehta
> once
> > bluffing his way at a conference quoting a lease
> > agreement signed between the Indian MoD and the
> Civil
> > Aviation Dept, to which the Goan populace,
> especially
> > the Govt, was not privy to.

Please read the above carefully, and see if I made
*any* bleeding-heart comments.  Its all about the
Navy's attitude - nil else.  Who Admiral Mehta is
married to, is his private matter - please don't bring
it into the discussion.  Events of 1961/1962 do have
an influence why the Navy is holding on to Dabolim.

P.S. Contrary to what you state, I do pay tax in Goa,
though not income-tax.  And I do contribute to Goan
charities whenever possible, which is not peanuts


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne -Australia.

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