You jump to conclusion before you do your reading and understanding. But, good 
for you that you are articulate. So one can see your thinking with its 
distortions and all. Many may find that (DISTORTIONS) very annoying.

Can you tell us what were the names of the Goan Jesuits involved in writing the 
Indian constitution? And where could we see their writings? From the little 
that was posted on the net, the recent  'Jesuit article' was not related to Goa 
or to Goan caste. So it is an unrelated topic that you are trying to confuse 
yourself and us.:=)

When you return to the USA, you need to read our book 'Amchi Khobor - Our News 
- Inside Goa'. It cost only $5:00. You are confusing between Goan religion and 
cultural practices. But please don't feel bad, defensive or insulted. 

Many European nuns and priests in the 17-18 century had the same problem with 
Catholic Goans. IMHO, that was one major reason they introduced the Inquisition 
to Goa to make sure that Goans behaved like good Catholics and discarded their 
Hindu cultural roots and practices. Perhaps they were a bit like you and Cornel 
and others - in their failure to understand that the two (Religion and Culture/ 
Traditions) are not the same! 

But Goans of the day while changing the religion stuck to their original roots 
and maintained their society / identity untill the 20th century. Today and in 
the future, in Goa and in the Diaspora, I am not sure! IMHO only time will tell 
if we maintain our identity. My initial reading: It is unlikely for a whole 
variety of reasons, including we are so stubbornly confused. Aum soglem zano 

Before you and other jump on me again, I am only recounting my study of our 
past as we researched for the book. I am not endorsing or opposing history. And 
for those wanting to know why and what the caste system served should read the 
above mentioned book. And if the WGD and Goan social organizations permitted 
Goans to educate other Goans about ourselves, at Goan celebrations and other 
events, we may be able to enlighten our next generation of our societal values 
and practices. (Rene Baretto are you reading? We want to do more than write! 
Can you help?)

A lot of what you and Cornel are describing are a lack of that knowledge or 
just selected snippets of it. And for the same reason, Hindus likley have not 
even bothered to dialogue the subject with you guys in spite of your attacks on 

For the Goan future, my thoughtful comment is: One can change the system if and 
when we have another better substitute (for Goan culture and support-network) 
which is why a society exists. Again since you insists on things being 
repeated, I am not endorsing caste.  IMHO, I am endorsing a support network in 
Goa and more so in the the Diaspora, something like what I gather exists in 

I am not a sociologist, but just a student of it. 
Regards, Gilbert

Mario Goveia 
Please get the article and see what it says.  The Jesuits who were involved in 
denying that there were castes among Christians in India when the Indian
Constitution was written were Goans.

But, you are right.  Only the Goans were wise enough to give up the system.  
There is no caste system among Catholic Goans, and your research will confirm 
what goes on.  We have just been imagining all the horrors we see and hear 
about, including the ones I detailed to you, complete with names.

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