Many thanks for all the info provided re my enquiry on obtaining the Jesuit article. Such info should also be of interest to others on Goanet.
In turn, following my continuing interest in caste among the Christians, I can recommend, for those interested, the following excellent well referenced book:
Massey James (1995) Dalits in India: Religion As A Source of Bondage or Liberation with Special Reference To Christians. New Delhi, Manohar Press.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Eddie Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Dalits and Jesuits Wimbledon.
America, the Catholic weekly magazine published by Jesuits since 1909 is at Subscription to the both the print and web versions is $48 p.a. For the web version only the sub. Is $24 p.a. Single articles cost $1.50 but you can also buy access to the archives for a set period of time - for example, $4.95 for 24 hours.
The article summaries are free and the one in question is cited as:
Title: 'Dalit' Means Broken
BY: John Francis Izzo.
Source: America. New York: Feb 14, 2005.Vol. 192, Iss. 5; pg. 11, 4 pgs
Subjects: Religious discrimination, Catholic churches, Caste
ISSN/ISBN: 00027049
Text Word Count 2284
Document URL:
Abstract (Document Summary)
Recent Hindu-Muslim riots and attacks on Christians are instigated by affluent, elite, high-caste Hindus who are trying to expel threats to the Brahminic caste system, the Hindu ideology of superiority and inferiority. The need for Catholic bishops and priests to solve caste discrimination and end prejudice against poor Catholic Dalit villagers is emphasized.
An alternative to buying it would be to refer to it in any large Catholic or National Library. In London it is available at Heythrop College (Kensington, W8) and at the British Library (St Pancras NW1)
Eddie Fernandes
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In my initial post on the subject I had mentioned that
the article "'Dalit' Means Broken" was published in
the Jesuit magazine, America, in the February 14, 2005
issue, and that it was only available on the Internet
to paying subscribers.
The web site is

--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is the only thing I could find; nothing about
caste issues. :-
In many parts of India today the persecution and
oppression of the Dalits, better known as the
Untouchables, is still continuing.

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