--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mario replies:
> >.................. Anyone who arrives in the US and
> claims refugee status has their claims investigated
while they stay in the country.  I'd say that was
pretty accomodating.  However, post 9/11, certain
people are scrutinised more closely, for obvious
reasons.  We are still at war with Al Qaeda in case
you've forgotten.
> In a previous post Mario states about the
> USA...........
> It is a known fact, and a subject of much debate
> within the US after 9/11, that the US is more lax in
> allowing people entry and allows more foreigners to
> abuse it and its privileges than any other country.
> Mario doesn't know whether he is coming or going ?
> is the USA more lax or what after 9/11 please make
up your mind.
Mario replies:
Gabe, it is good that you have decided to discontinue
trying to malign the US Immigration authorities,
because you don't seem to be able to comprehend that
all of the above apply.  The US was VERY lax before
9/11.  The US is less lax after 9/11, and the US more
closely scrutinizes applicants from certain countries.

The statement above that referred to "more lax" was in
comparison with other countries, not "more lax" after
9/11, which would be absurd.

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