From: gilbert menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<A bottle of rum is insignificant in relation to salary, but I will answer that one as well. The subsidy on CSD items is derived from exemption of state sales tax. Therefore, all CSD items tend to be about 10% cheaper than the open market prices. Therefore a bottle of Old Monk which costs Rs. 85 in the market, would cost about Rs.8 cheaper to the man in uniform, and the state would not be paid sales tax. This is standard procedure in ALL states.>

Thanks for making the point: that ALL the taxes are NOT paid!!; you can call that subsidy, you can call it whatever you wish...

<Now wouldnt you agree that both your questions were asked not out of your abundant curiosity, but with the express purpose of trying to discredit the Indian Armed Forces.>

Actually, it is neither.

I am interested to know WHY doctors are NOT entitled to the same subsidy !!

Thank You for making the point I was making, and negating the FIRM statement you had made earlier

I can have the last "patriotic" word on this.

jc please visit Gabriel's DABOLIM

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