--- Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha
> «During his second trip to east Asia in 1552 he fell
> sick and
> died at the age of 46 while waiting for the boat to
> take him to
> mainland China. Months after the body was buried in
> the Mollucas
> Islands, where the saint died, local Christians
> found the body
> incorrupt and shipped it secretly to Goa».
> Mollucas islands are an archipelago that is now part
> of Indonesia. It was
> not there that Francis Xavier died and was buried,
> but in the Sancian
> island, off the coast of China. And it is not true
> that his incorrupt body
> was shipped "secretly" to Goa. When unearthed at
> Sancian, the body was
> shipped to Malacca (in present-day Malaysia), later
> on unearthed again and
> shipped - openly, not secretly - to Goa where it
> reached and was
> triumphantly received in 1554.
> Jorge

Thank you Jorge, for pointing this out.

Shades of the "revisionists" again? Is Anto Akkara
implying that the Christians behaved clandestinely, or
was it a genuine misunderstanding of the events? Just

Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

His corpse was interred on Sunday, being laid after
the Chinese fashion, in a large chest, which was
filled up with unslacked lime, to the end that the
flesh being consumed, the bones might be carried to
Goa. On the 7th of February, in 1553, the grave was
opened to see if the flesh was consumed; but the lime
being taken off the face, it was found ruddy and fresh
... The sacred remains were carried into the ship and
brought to Malacca on the 22nd of March, where it was
received with great honour. ... was translated to Goa,
where it was received and placed in the church in the
college of St. Paul on the 15th of March, in 1554.

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