Why don't some of our Goan community members learn from fellow Goans in 
respect to the actual history of Goa?

Goans are known to be 'versatile people' and some are authors of  books on
Goa. It baffles me to see how people can write about their homeland without
knowing the actual history of Goa.  Goanet is a great forum to learn and to
clarify clogged minds, and help the young generation about the history of
our beloved land.  However, it surprises me that many of us 'adults' who
claim having spent time in Goa and say they are Goans do not really know the
history of Goa!.  I know some people from Kerala and Madras who live in Goa
have made it their business to learn the history and the language as well. 
I witnessed this last year when I visited Goa for St. Francis Xavier
exposition.  No doubt the people from the above states nickname Goans as ABC
(ayah butler, cooks) when they want to talk about Goans in their mother
tongue.  They seem to think that we do not know as much as them after their
influx in Goa following the invasion.

It is a fact that most of us 'Goans' are known to be self opiniated (I am 
not an exception) and sometimes in the maze of fine distinction
we do not known when to give up arguing.  Talking about Goa from an Indian 
angle is different from talking about Goa from a Goan

Four Hundred and Fifty One years history cannot be erased in 43 years even 
if we are influenced by our friends our family relatives.

I have a lot of time to go through messages written by Gabriel, Jorge and 
many others who I consider an authority on the subject of
Goa and Goans.

Let us learn from one another and not continue with the old adage 'Crab 
mentality' let us be like people from Kerala who have
'Ghathone' mentality.  Let us stick up for one another on proper grounds. 
Our exchanges on goanet are read by many people who are not from
Goa and we are their laughing during their party conversations, which I have 
witnessed on some occasions.

To survive is to change; to survive often is to change often - Sudhor re 
Goenkara, sudhor.


Oscar Lobo.

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